Jaw Joint Bolt of Pain - Heat Shot

I need help. The sooner the better, ready to be checked in an emergency status.

The last -5- nights i have been getting this heat shot of pain emanating from my jaw joint. The pain is reminecient of TN, but lasts only 30 seconds or so, but I get them every 5,8,10 minutes for 7-8 hours and can NOT sleep. It is worse at night then daytime. Does anyone have ANY advice. Thanks in advance.

Are you clenching your teeth at night? I have ATN and now after MVD also have TMJ. I had a bite splint made by a specialist that I wear at night and also part of the day. It has given me relief. Good luck!

Jackie & Jamie thank you so much for your replies.

Jamie, I do not know if I clench my teeth, but I feel my bite has changed. Thats the first I have heard of bite splint, but that sounds good.

Hi Jerry,

Sorry I just saw your post! I hope you are doing a bit better by now? I hope you are! I know all too well the pain and trauma you're going through at the moment and I feel awful that you are going through this now - it was one of the worst times I'd ever experienced with my monster illness. And I completely agree with what both Jackie and Jamie have said, this is one form of pain the TN takes unfortunately, I know because I spent 18 months with that type of pain included in the large variety of pain forms my TN & ON present me with. Having both trigeminal & occipital neuralgia - again both bilaterally I spent 18 months with that pain you've got now amongst so many at the same time, made sleep impossible. I became an insomniac and ended up trying to sleep in my reclining chair surrounded by pillows so my head didn't touch anything, because that always made it so much worse.

Ironically that period ended for me over a year ago, but still today my best sleep comes from sleeping in that reclining chair, so I'm still sleeping in my lounge room to this day.

I did go to the ER many times, I lost count after the 40th visit and I was admitted for several of them and given a lot of nerve blocks and a variety of medicines. Like Jamie, I also have TMJ, mine's mild - but I also suffer bruxism (the grinding of teeth while I'm asleep) however for me unfortunately the bite splint did not help. So my Neurologist prescribed me a muscle relaxant to take prior to going to sleep at night. This helps me 'somewhat'.

I'm sorry I'm any help at the moment, that what I write is not what you want to hear at all, but I am right now in a lot of pain and have taken pain medication just a short while ago. I will hopefully try and write more later.

As Jamie has mentioned though - I would look into the bite splint if you can, it does help so many people! I just wasn't one of them.

Till later,


Jerry IHope you get relief soon I do grind my teeth at night. I was recomended a bite splint for my TMJ . Went to the store bough one that molded to shape of teeth. The next day my mouth was even more sore . When back to the Specialist showed him it and asked if I needed to get another one made to feet my mouth from him. He looked at it and said no.Glade I did this cause the one, from the store ranged $25 to around $50, to the one from the specalist was in the hundre’s. When I tried it on at night was fine but wow in moring the pain was so unbearible the shift really gave me , such pain. Just try a good store one or ask your specialist before, investing in some thing you may never use. Acource you know were all differnt and sure your specalist will work wih you. Prayer’s Sent Shirely


I went to a TMJ specialist and he made a mold of my mouth to make my splint. It was very expensive, but well worth every penny. If the splint is too high or low in a spot(s) it will hurt in time. If you have any pain you are to go back immediately and have it adjusted. That did happen to me once when he tried to rebuild it. Once he filed some spots down I was back to feeling less pain again. This is a dentist in the Cleveland, Ohio area...Dr. Moodt. If you live far from there you could contact him and maybe he could recommend someone in your area.

Best of luck to you:)


Dear Jerry,

Did you find out what was going on? Have you had any new tests done?

I hope that you are okay, despite this new ordeal of a symptom. It has been a few days since you posted this. I am hoping that you did seek emergent care. If you cannot get rest due to your pain, that is not good!

Sending prayers up for you . . .

Your friend,


I has an MRI,spk w/ my Neurologist and my GP. My MRI w/ the epidermoid is apparently unchanged. My GP recommends I see an Oral surgeon that specializes in TMJ and change meds. I hopefully get a chance to see the neurologist this week. I took a sleeping pill after wrestling w/ pain for 1/5 hrs last night. WOW. That knocked me out. First time I slept laying down in a week.

Thanks for all concerned. Much appreciated.


Great to hear from you Jerry! I'm glad that the doctors are getting things moving for you appointment wise and that also that the sleeping pills really helped you get some sleep! They don't do anything to me, so you are lucky like that!

Best wishes and please keep us updated as you progress with these doctors appointments!

Always wishing you a pain free days,

Kerry xx

Hi, Jerry,

I am new here. I read your post. I am wondering how you made out and if you were able to get any relief.

God bless,


Hi Eileen, Feeling better.

