It's now or goes nothing

Thursday, Oct 10 at 8:00 AM CST I'm leaving for Mayo Clinic. I'm terrified. I haven't even started packing yet, and am just beginning to think of things I should perhaps pack along. I do know that I've been blessed with the most amazing community to reside in, the greatest family & friends, & church family anyone could have ever asked for. God Bless you all, you all have done so much. I've gotten tons of food (none of which I've been able to eat), gas cards, visa cards, cash, checks, & even a couple fundraisers! Wow, I'm truly blessed, this trip shouldn't cost me anything, that is until I receive the Mayo Bill in the mail. Good thing our insurance in In Network! But you know, I left this whole situation in The Lord's hands. I remember the day my PCP said, "we should start the process to refer you to Mayo", I thought, "Well I'll never get accepted there, and if I do, it is God's Will." So it's now or never. God chose for me to be accepted there, so I'm going....there.....because that's the clear answer I was given from My Creator. I love those straight out answers, when we pray, and pray & ask, and question, and never really know. This one was a simple phone call from a very kind lady at Mayo saying I was accepted & let's make your appointment! Wow, Thanks Lord! That was easy, well, it was easy at first. Now I'm thinking I'm scared to death. But God wants me to go there, so that's what I'm doing, and I know Jesus will be walking those hallways, and riding those shuttles with me! So here, I, go, prayers needed please!

And if you wouldn't mind throwing a few prayers out for my kiddos & my big kiddo (Darrin), I'd appreciate it. They are staying behind and hopefully everything will run smoothly here without mom. I'm also looking forward to learning more about this disease. As if I couldn't read enough about it all over the internet, I feel I'll become more knowledgeable and able to help others who are diagnosed after me, with support & information. I'll be the TN Awareness Crazy Lady of the Siouxland area! I'm going to pay it forward in any way I can! I can't wait to be healthy so I can pay it forward! Praise The Lord!!! Praise the Lord!!! Praise the Lord!!!

PS: Don't forget to pray! <3

That is exciting for you! Are you scheduled for mvd surgery or what are they going to be doing? As I just went thru mvd in July, if you have any questions of any nature about the procedure and how I felt recovering I would be glad to talk with you or answer via email. Keep us posted!!

Jay in North Idaho

I have been anxious to see how everything turned out for you with your appointment and I assume mvd procedure. If your up to it and have a chance update us all on your status. Hope everything has turned in the right direction for you!!

Your friend in North Idaho
