Mayo Clinic Accepted Me & my roller coaster ride

So, today was a roller coaster ride that wouldn't stop and I hate roller coasters. HATE THEM! Started by me going back to my first day of work in 34 days. After not hardly sleeping at all last night, I drug my butt out of bed & made myself go into work. I barely spoke to my co-workers because it triggers so much pain. They were VERY good to me. Most just didn't ask me any questions or talk to me. I had lots of paperwork I got caught up on, and a few other little things. I only spent 3 hours there, and it was time to go home. HOWEVER, I had a laser treatment at my local chiropractor at 1:15, so I quickly came home, "ate" some yogurt, and went to that appt. My daughter was home sick today, so I brought her to the doctors office at 2PM. Of course, bronchitis & sinus infection. We elected for shots since she is an athlete, and we wanted her to feel better faster. After her shots, we waited for 10 min or so in the waiting room just in case she had any adverse reactions to the shots...of course she did, poor thing. She was literally about to pass out. She was pale, nauseous, and her BP dropped quickly to 80/60. So they wheeled her back into a room, and watched her for another 25 minutes. It was really scary for a little while. Finally got home about 3:30, and immediately laid down, without even THINKING about taking meds. 10 minutes later the phone call came. I was accepted to Mayo Clinic Rochester for a neurological work-up. My appointment isn't until Nov 5. I was so overwhelmed I was in tears on the phone, the gal I was speaking to was so kind, and patient with me. I am going to call back and see if there is ANY way I could get on a waiting list in case of a cancellation. I only live about like 4 hours away, so I think that might help my case. I could say I can drop everything and be there in 5 hours... don't know if I really could make that happen, but maybe someone with an airplane would fly me there fast...

Now I'm at the emotional roller coaster stage. After the crazy day I had today, my pain has increased quite a bit. I had a mini-emotional breakdown, feels good to cry sometimes. I've got so many emotions, I don't even know where to begin. I know there are people out there dying and fighting life-threatening diseases, and Trigeminal Neuralgia is NOT a terminal disease. I can fight this & I will. I just needed a mini breakdown for a little while. This blog helps me get my feelings out. I don't even know if anyone reads it! Ha, that's the funny thing, none of my family even know I have this I don't think. I do attach it to my Facebook page each time, but I don't know if anyone even reads it. Oh well. Just want to get my feelings out there, and keep in touch with my TN family & Friends....we are a select few, that is for sure. Every person struggling with TN is different, although our symptoms may be the same, our family lives & everything outside TN is different. Please pray for all my TN Friends & Family, as I've met many thru Facebook and this site who are very dear to my heart.

Let the waiting & wondering begin-

Prayers & Blessings-


(( hugs )), Mimi xx