The tablets seemed to be working, the pain levels were lower (still there but cope able). Yesterday I had a really hard day at uni where I wasnt really understanding what was going on. Add the immense anger I was feeling towards one of the people on my course. The pain started after I left the classroom, and I was in a fowl mood. I had a really bad night, and then this evening I had the level 9 pain for like an hour, just sobbing, and now it’s level 7 breaking into level 8.
Surely one moment of anger yesterday shouldn’t have knocked into today. But it’s so bad I’m really tempted to go to accident and emergency. The only reason I’m not going there is I know they can’t do anything.
I’ve put numbnh gel on my face and taken three maximum strength ibrupohen tablets and still in pain. I don’t know what to do with myself.
Sorry to say that a bout of anger can be enough to start a bad pain session for me. I have learned that I must be as stress free as possible with this condition to get anywhere with the pain management. Not always easy but I do try hard:)
Today is the worse I’ve been. Haven’t been about to any uni work. Lowest pain has been is 7, and Its an 8, right now. Taking every ounce of effort to try and distract myself by being on here but it’s hard. Been sobbing all day. Don’t now what to do with myself. Really don’t know wat to do.
Oh I wish I knew what to tell you to do. If I remember you once went to A&E? Don’t know if you think a trip there will be worthwhile? I do hope you have some relief very soon.
There is nothing they will do. Hey are useless. I’ve taken a really really strong pain killer that my father in law takes that’s like one level below morphin or something. It’s not worked so far. I’m hoping it will at least give me a good nights sleep (its 10.15 pm here).
I find it hard to believe that my anger from yesterday has caused me sic probes today.
Have you ever tried Indocin (Indomethacin)? It is an NSAID like Advil, and can be tough on the stomach for some, but it helps me. It does not the pain away entirely...especially since I have TN2 and always have a headache as well as the facial pain, but it cuts it down substantially most days. Might be something to ask about if you have never tried it.
Thanks Fred. I’ll look into it. I took a tremadol 50 mg and the pain has eased to th point where I’m not rocking back and forth in pain like a loonitic. I’m still in a lot of pain but it’s definitely gone down.
Is it normal to be in pain constantly like this? Some people say they have an attack and then they are okay. I seem to be in pain all the time today and still having the sharp electric attacks.
Mine never goes away. I have this blasted right-side headache that I experience 24/7, but I have felt my TN2 in some capacity everyday, all day for the past two months now. I have not had a period where it waned since mid-October or early November. There are obviously moments where mine is worse, but then subsides back to its normal level of pain...though it never goes away completely.
I took Tramadol after an ER visit before I had anything other than the constant headache part of mine. It did not help the headache at all and made me feel warm and fuzzy-headed. The indocin can cause stomach upset if not taken with food or milk, but is not a synthetic opiate like Tramadol. Again, it is an older cousin to Advil. It's in the NSAID family.
How long have you been on the amitriptyline? It takes a few weeks to start working. And beyond that, you have to work up to a therapeutic dose. For me, 100mg/day made a big difference. Nothing else worked.
I'm in 24/7 pain, constant aching, burning pain. The amitriptyline works well for this kind of pain, but not for the electric shocks. If you're having shocks, you might want to ask your doctor about Tegretol or Trileptal. Hope your pain flare calms down!