Hi! I'm curious as to whether any other ATN sufferers have above average itchy periods on their affected sides. When my mouth and cheek are particularly numb i find the surface skin around the area is super itchy!!
I seem to be one of the only really numb people but I'm wondering if anyone gets it. When I slide over to TN, which I do from time to time, I can't imagine how i 'd cope with an itch.
Hi Lisa, numbness can be incredibly painful, can't it? Who knew? Today I'm hugely numb on the roof of my mouth but my cheek and jaw are aching like I've been punched. It's that area that itches but just on the surface. Weird.
Tingles, numbness and itches go hand in hand for me. I get the tingles and then the itch. I have a lower half-face rash that flares with my pain..I've had a number of people ask if I have shingles, not nice. Tried all sorts of creams and remedies, cortisone for the itch, lidocaine for the pain etc.
My numbness is usually in my lips, tongue and chin, although last night I felt numb on the lower front half of my face like I'd been punched in the top teeth. I've found a cold pack on the area can help sometimes (Other times it just triggers the sharp pains)..
For me it's such a weird feeling when one area of my face feels numb, like you've been to the dentist and the anaesthetic is wearing off.
Hope you can find a way to combat your itch Catwoman xx
Yes, I do. Sometimes my chin, & sometimes above my lip underneath my nose, and worst is inside my ear! Drives me nuts…and if I get too aggressive, with my ears, it can hurt…mlah~
Every post I have seen on itching has to do with facial itching, what about other parts on the affected side. The last few times my TN has gone off my armpit has itched. Odd, no mosquito bites or anything, same spot center armpit. In past I remember same thing on wrist or calf, then it goes away. I know this sounds like a really odd thing to say but it’s something that is driving me crazy but is soon as the pain is gone it also goes away I feel like it must be something that’s all linked.
I am just a patient, not a doctor, so maybe what I am going to say is not true. You’re warned. I think that itchy feeling is fairly common among us folks with damaged, or pinched nerves.
When my TN is almost unbearable, I am very thirsty, and feel a constant need to lick my lips, although this is painful
** raising hand ** I sometimes get itchy with ATN flares. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I would rather have pain than itchy. Nothing helped that itchy feeling for me, last time it was three weeks of feeling like bugs were under the skin of my nose. I about lost my mind.
My chin got so itchy in one spot that I scratched until it oozed.Now I have a whole family of oozing spots.
Do not even need to dress up for Hallowe’en.Just open my moth and scare the kiddies away from the treats.