I shared my MS and TN story on my blog

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that I openly shared a portion of my journey with MS and TN on my blog yesterday. It was hard to be so open and honest, but one of my goals this year is to be more transparent and authentic on my blog.

Hope you can find encouragement and strength from what I wrote and that you're reminded that you're not alone.


Here's to a 2013 filled with hope and peace!!

~ Vicki

hey there, im going to take a look :) its really great your are allowing yourself to be more open about situation, i hope you found it freeing . sometimes tho it feels awkward putting things out there, when you do it for yourself like you are regardless of feedback i think it strengthens you because really you are being bluntly honest with yourself too and its good to be real with yourself and not get caught up in how things feel all the time but rather how they are in order to gain some footing of where you stand in the scheme of things.

best wishes mel x

Hi Vicki, I missed this the other day!
So pleased for you, I understand how much courage that took, I’m super proud of you! A great way to start the new year!
It is very well written, by you sharing your personal struggles, it very well might resonate with someone who also is struggling with health limitations etc.
I’ve been looking into blogging the last few months, just haven’t mustered the courage or commitment to start…
Thanks for sharing! Mimi xx

Hi Vicki,

So well done, your readers obviously care very much for you and your work - reading their responses moved me to tears.


Hi Vicki,

Wow -- you are so talented and accomplished. Over the past while I turned my professional website into a health info/blog. I'm still working on it. I have had TN for a few year and just recently got the MS diagnosis. I had to work around my neurologist who insisted I didn't have MS. I'm still working on dealing with that.

Anyway, I see you're in Seattle. I'm in Vancouver. I just had a rhizotomy to get me out of pain as all the drugs failed me. How are you managing?
