I don't know what to do!

Help, I don’t know what to do. I have bilateral TN, but had successful MVD
on the left in January and was completely pain free for 7 months. During this time I was treated by my current
neuro for lingering headaches from surgery.
My TN has come back on my right side.
I immediately started taking my tegretol left from before surgery and
called my doc. I saw her nurse
practioner who gave me a new rx, but wouldn’t even talk about lidocaine cream
for break through pain…well every doctor I have seen in the past for TN has let
me increase meds when needed. I have increased
from 400mg to 800mg since starting back.
My pain only stays away for like a week after the increase and gets
worse. (This is exactly what happened the first time around…I was maxed out
really quickly on the Tegretol). Last
night my pain went from just the temple area to all 3 branches once again. I called the doctor to see if I could get in
sooner and when they called back I was told the doctor didn’t want to see me
until my appt on the 31st!!!!!!!
I am so mad I don’t even know if I have enough meds!!!!! I don’t know what to do…should I just deal
with it (even though I have a 3 and a 1 year old at home…HARD to deal with pain
also!!) should I look for yet another doctor???
Can I put my faith in this neuro to treat me properly if she won’t even
let me come in sooner when I need to????
***note the appt lady did have openings before my appt*** :( :( :(