I'm sorry, I got a very nice question at the bottom of the screen and don't know how to answer or comment on it. I clicked on chat and still can't figure out how to do it. Under the help topic, that site is "down", so can't get help from that.
I've tried clicking their name in the chat room and nothing happens. And I wish I knew what function Jackie is talking about because I don't see a white COMMENT box! Boy, am I messed up!
crystalv said:
Jackie, I think they want to use the chat function.
You should just be able to click their name in the chat room, and a window will come up, right? I don't use the chat function.
The comment box is on the member's profile, underneath the part where the Q&A are -- underneath where it says which type of TN one has, how did it start, etc. That's for the comments.
Look for the red light/cog icon on the left side at the bottom of the chat section
You will be asked to go online to chat
Click to connect
Type in the box
Hope that helps!
Don't forget, just because you see a picture there it does not mean that the member is looking at the chat room, it just means they are somewhere within the site. a lot of members grizzle they are being ignored when actually no one is looking.