I am NOT amused!

Miss Savannah cat on the perch of her chair looking quite, well, quite like she always looks. My soon to be 15 year old cat is my constant companion. I’ve had her since a wee kitten and picked her out of the litter. She is a real talker. If someone wants to give their opinion, she’ll be right there to add her own.

I’m a total cat person! So, you have a little talkative, calico beauty here! I LOVE the vocal ones! Our little orange tabby colored, Manx, Karli, yammers her opinion out frequently too! She chirps, twitters and yammers her little heart out, but rarely meows! Miss Savannah certainly looks like a very loved, healthy girl!

Oh yes! Gotta love the kitties! Savannah rarely meows as well. How odd. Manx cats are awesome. I had a black one long ago. She was a good girl. I love it when cats do that twittering thing with their mouths.