Just to give you a Smile

Hi just stumbled on this group as pretty new to all this blogging stuff...I dont even do face book.

But just to introduce myself and my pets............and show you that I have a sense of humour

I'm 4ft 10" and well you can guess it I own one of the biggest dogs going a beautiful great dane called Maddie and just so I look even more funny walking her I have a little king charles spanial called Marley my little lap dog....If I had a 1p for every comment I get about needing a saddle and little and large jokes I'd be a bloody Millionaire.......I just laugh and dont ever get fed up because when people are saying the same things they are smiling and having a joke with me and that just restores my faith in humans....I also have a lovely load of tropical fish...........and then theres the hubby if he can get close with my mutts. Love to all you lovely pet owners.

Would love to see pictures of Marley and Maddie. Cavaliers are my heart dogs...I have loved and lost 3 so far. After losing my Shadow last March I could not bear the heartbreak and am currently fostering a Papillon (butterfly dog).