How long does recovery take after mvd

I had my mvd alittle over two weeks ago. I am always tired, lost half my hearing, and well am slow in speech and thoughts. I would gladly do it again to be rid of the night mare pain. I would though like anyone who has had an mvd tell me how long it took for them to feel normal

Sluggo I just replied to your blog post. Mimi

I took the full 6 weeks off of work. I just felt blah. I had a slow CSF leak, which I figured was partly to blame. A month or so after going back to work, I still felt tired, and it was time for my early check up. My doctor did the normal blood test, and low an behold, I was now vitamin D deficient. I was fine the year before. Anyway, I started a high dose and within a few weeks I felt great! It turns out, surgery can somehow affect the level of D. So you might want to check into that.

Hope that helps!

I was off of work for a full 6 weeks. The first 2 weeks were the worst. I could not look at a tv or computer screen and didn't like bright lights. I took naps several times a day and was nauseous for the first 3-5 days. It just takes time. After 6 weeks I started back to work part time for a week. I had my MVD March 12 so I am about 3 months post-op. I feel FANTASTIC! No pain, and being off the meds (Carbamazepin) has given me more energy than I have felt in years. I can feel my incision healing, but it doesn't "hurt", just a little tender as feeling starts to come back to the area. Don't rush your healing. My family was wonderful at making sure I didn't do too much. I didn't bend over for 2 months, as my Dr. told me not to. I took walks everyday. Just take care of yourself - you will feel better in no time and it will be a distant memory - it is for me :)