I'll be having a mvd pretty soon here not sure what to expect afterwards anyone can tell me Id be greatful
You won’t be able to wash your hair until,the stitches come out, and you won’t be able to drive for two weeks, or at least until you are offline meds. I was a bit unsteady walking for the first week at least, and I used the airport wheelchair service for the flight home. By the second week I was working a few hours a day. I work from home on my computer so it is not strenuous at all. By week three I was down to 1 pr 2 pain pills a day, but remained tired for at least a month.
Hi Sluggo,
unlike alot of patients I did not have removeable suttures. I was able to wash my hair after 5 days. Lifiting was definetly a no,no!. You feel quite exhausted and need to really listen to your body and go slow. No driving for a couple to a few weeks. For me my cognitive thinking was really bad. Thank goodness for my daughter who is a reading specialist and was able to help me thru that. It really bothered me. There were words that I had been saying for years and after surgery had issues pronuncing them. It was frustrating but it eventually passed. I had alot of nausea too but the zofran helped with that. Sleeping in my own bed was heavenly although did not sleep thru the nite. It took awahile for me to get use to that. My incisonal area was a bit lumpy at the craniotomy site so had to sleep on the right side. Appetite came back gradually too. Everyting came back slowly for me it was okay had to be patient. Hearing took awhile too ,its was muffled as though you had swimmers ear. The steroids helped with that too. swelling took a bit longer especially my ear when they pull back the skin near site. I told doc I looked like a smurf LOL. Everyone is different on their recovery. I was still on tegretol unfortunately was not able to come off this medicine or any of the other meds.
Let me tell you Sluggo I would do this surgery over in a snap, for me I had recurrence of my pain but alot here have not. Be positive, which am sure you are. Everything is going to be okay and enjoy the beginning of your up and coming new pain free life! Wishing you the very best and will say a prayer for you. Keep us posted and let us know the date of surgery.
My Best
I had only 8 staples Sluggo, so was able to gently wash my hair on day 3.
You can see pics of my incision on my page under my photos.
I’m in week 6 post op and have bursts of energy and then extreme fatigue…it’s a real dance.
The first 2 weeks I had nausea and trouble sleeping. Insomnia as well as difficulty getting my head comfy. I also had ear fullness that started around day 3 and lasted for about 2 weeks.
My incision was sore for about 2-3 weeks requiring Advil or T3s. I also took anti nausea medication. The sides of my head were tender from the halo that held my head in place during surgery, like it was bruised. I also feel a pressure in my head when I’ve done too much. So it’s important to listen to your body.
The pain for me was tolerable, nothing at all like TN pain!!!
I have removed 2 meds ( Baclofen and Dilantin) I am still on Tegretol ( I have bilateral TN) for my right side.
The biggest struggle is my low energy. This apparently takes time…my doctor encourages me to walk a little each day, by 8 weeks I can add a small incline on a treadmill and by 3 months I’m allowed to do upper body work outs.
I have NO TN pain.
Still healing…
(( hugs )) Mimi