How have you all dealt so long with this?

L8ybuy..Yes I have actually seen 2 neurologists and I am currently on my 2nd & 3rd or both of which are breaking me out. I see a new neurologist on Monday, 09.23.13 and praying that he can give me some relief.

L8ybug said:

Yes you can survive this , with the strength of friends an family, I thought the same way, what did i do or who did i piss off to deserve this pain??? now its been 4 yrs an I'm still here fighting pain every minute of the day. Ice ice works wonders it numbs the pain. Have you tried any meds? Have you seem a neurologist yet?

Mistee...Thanks! I am currently using lidocaine mouthwas and Kanka gel to give me a little relief...I also have pain inside the mouth that drives me crazy! I am currently on FMLA but it still stresses me (which doesn't help) when I have to miss a day because it is unpaid but I am fighting my way through!

Mistee Humphreys Shelton said:

Get your Doc to help you fill out FMLA papers. You don't have to take all the leave at once...; you can take it a day at a time, when needed. It really helps relieve some of the fear/stress of having to miss work.

As for dealing with it...before i was diagnosed, i lived on alcohol and benzocaine paste. (my triggers are all inside my mouth) Benzocaine for a few mins of relief.. and alcohol when i needed to sleep/pass out. I DO NOT ADVOCATE THIS..just sharing.

And lots of time "looking" at suicide. I tell you this so that you understand, i've been in that dark, horrible hole.

That being said...keep coming here to vent and to also collect as much info as you can. AND push as much as you need to with docs to get relief. If you are in pain, pester them til they help you!! (i learned that from

It is with info and advice from this site that i've gotten new drugs added to regimen that has pretty much kept my pain under control for months now. *happy smile*

I hope you find a good doc/neuro who is dedicated to helping you.

Wishing you peace and a pain free moment (or two..)


Eadt....sadly my hobbies are singing and cooking...which I have a hard time doing when I am having a "episode". I have never tried yoga or acupuncture but it may be worth looking into. Thanks...

eadt said:

You are stronger than you think! Yes, it can be very difficult but just keep at it, keep fighting! I think we've all felt this way and continue to feel this way from time to time. I wish I would've found this support site sooner, I've been fighting for almost 8 years!

Do you have any hobbies or things you love to do? One thing that helps me greatly is hot yoga, I can come to peace with TN and know that I am strong. It helps a great deal with stress, overall health and the pain. As a matter of fact, hot yoga is what keeps me sane. Also, acupuncture and massage can help too, just do the research to find a good provider in your area that is familiar with TN.

Soak in all those good times when the pain is not so bad and Live For the Moment!


I know how you feel. I am a little over 1 year end and at times thought there is no way I can live with this. However, I am here and God has seen me through the 1st year and now I meet this great group of people who are very supportive. You will be OK. Dig deep - don't let this beast win!!!! YOU ARE A WINNER!!!!!!!!!