Hoping for pain relief..surgery 5 days away!

I had my peripheral nerve stimulator removed in July due to infection around the battery. I was lucky enough to have awesome pain control for a year…then in one day it was all taken away :frowning: I’ve had the worst 6 weeks. So much pain an anxiety just praying and hoping that I will have my gift back !! I’m worried the leads won’t be placed right and that I won’t like the battery placement in my armpit area. The surgeon said he won’t put it back in my chest because there isn’t enough tissue there to bury it under. I have lost 40 pounds since the original placement…the pain in my teeth has forced me to focus my diet on very soft food or liquids. I’m so scared to go under anesthesia again. I remember so many bits and piece of all 9 surgeries I have had this past 5 years. I remember being strapped to the table. I remember waking up with the tube in my mouth…My anxiety is building everyday. The lead wire will have to run behind my ear, down my neck around and under my arm. I pray for strength to endure one more thing. I am exhausted from the pain and the daily fight we all face. Nobody knows the pain we carry behind our half smiles just wishing we would some how be able to break this curse. TN has made me a fighter and I strive to beat pain…but days like today…pain beat me once again :(…please pray for me on Monday!!

OH MY! Does your anesthesiologist know you have problems going "under"??????

Can you get some PRN anti-anxiety meds????

What a couragous fight you've had!

Keep Posting!

I’ll be thinking of you Lisa, and agree with KC, ask for some anti anxiety meds to help ease the worry!
Positive thoughts!!!