Before my MVD I had a small tender spot with a slight lump in my jawline. I told my neurologist about it but he said that it had nothing to do with the TN and wasn’t concerned. Now after 6 weeks since my MVD I still have this tender spot. It’s even more tender than before the surgery. Have any of you had anything like this? When I touch it lightly it doesn’t trigger pain - just a slight ache. I definitely don’t want to push on it. I am afraid it would cause a lot of pain. Any thoughts?
Today is one week after my MVD, and I am having soreness on my right jaw. I didn’t have any jaw pain before the MVD, and it isn’t like a nerve pain. More like someone cold-cocked me in the jaw just below my ear. I figured it has to do with having a hole cut in my head and hope it goes away in time. Still no TN pain, which is WONDERFUL!
You LUCKY GIRL you!! Oh, to wake up with no pain… If you were healed from the hole drilled in your skull you would probably be doing cartwheels! lol
HI- Im 3 weeks post op and yeow- my jaw is killing me- same spot and yawning- dreadful. I’m glad to hear others have it - well glad is such the wrong word- but glad to know TMJ isn’t suddenly there- or whatever. blah.
how long before this jaw pain went away?
Hi Sara,
Sorry to tell you I still have the jaw pain. I have since been diagnosed with TMJ. But, I also had jaw pain before the surgery. Did you? TMJ was ruled out before my surgery by two specialists.