I'm not sure where I fit in anymore, at first I thought I had ON, but now I am thinking I have a bit more going on then just this. My issue started Aug 12 of 2013. I remember this day so well, cause my period started ( sorry for the TMI ), and my life changed forever...when this happened / the next 2 months I dealt with chronic lightheadedness, I did not leave me couch in those 2 months. I just felt like I was going to pass out every time I tried to do anything. My BLOOD PRESSURE was NOT the cause. Anyhoo, after 2 months if feeling faint, that completely went away, and then the back of my head was on FIRE, and I could feel the pain follow the paths of the nerves, over time this made its way to the top of my head, then forehead, the my eyes, and now my entire face. Both cheek bones will ache and burn, and my teeth ( upper jaw) will hurt. THEN..after a month or 2 of this..... everything moved to my thoracic spine all the way up to my shoulder blades, and back of neck, seriously if there is a nerve, it is effected. It bounces all over the place, now the newest thing that started a few days ago......... MY THROAT......burning from my throat and it feels like it is in my stomach too:(......... I just have no idea what is going on but I just feel like something snapped in my body, and now it hates me terribly. I just am so blown away that this is my life now. Not a way I really want to live. Looking for thoughts from y'all......what you might think. Thanks for any help