Help needed in Minnesota

Can anyone recommend a good neurologist in Minnesota? I’m newly diagnosed with TN 4 weeks ago but have been experiencing the wrath of this pain for 8 weeks now. Neurontin is helping some and I am grateful for that, but I’m praying things will get better. I’d appreciate any recommendations you may have.

Neurontin in combination with carbamezapine has worked for me in controlling pain. Pl take under your dr advice.

Did you look up on the Doctors tab above? Even if in the neighboring town or state!!

Find THE best with mannnny TN patients!

Get your primary to call in lidocaine cream for face!
for pain in mouth
Lidocaine was-mouth!

Keep learning…cannot do this by doctors alone, because so rare, you have to learn what meds and treatments are best for you!

Keep posting!

Thank you for your replies. I tried carbamazepine and broke out in hives/rash head toe and the lymph nodes in my neck swelled twice. So now I’m on neurontin only. Which helps some but I’m not able to talk, eat or touch my face much without triggering a shock. I own a business and am in the sales & customer service industry so that is not working well for me right now since I cannot talk much. I’m mostly at home these past 2 weeks. I’ve only been on the neurontin for 2 weeks now. My primary prescribed oxycodone and others like it but “those” types of meds don’t help me when the shocking starts so I don’t take it. It sounds like many others are on combinations of meds. I don’t see a neurologist for 3 weeks and a pain specialist for 2. I’m praying for some relief by then. I’ve been into my primary office (which I get someone different each time as I’m going into the walk in clinic either in severe pain or with a med reaction) 7 times in less than 3 weeks. I’m in a small town and I don’t know that they are very experienced with this or that they are being aggressive enough.
I did check out the doctor list on this site but was hoping there was someone who could give me feed back on their personal experience. The pain starts with my teeth and travels up my face through my eye and onto the top of my head. My question is, KC, since the lidocaine is topical and my shocking starts with out warning (unless I trigger it by talking, eating or touching my face) how does the lidocaine help? I’m desperate for some relief and to get back to a normal routine. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. This is new and I’m a trying to get as much info as I can. I may need to go in before 3 weeks (my neurology appt) it seems unreasonable for me to live like this for another 3 weeks. I don’t want to be over reactive either as in my mind I keep telling myself that possibly the medication is still adjusting.

Educate yourself as much as possible. I guess I don’t trust just one person anymore, it’s up to me to learn, research and get second or third opinions. The first neuro I saw put me on low dose muscle relaxants for two months and expected me to improve! He had no clue what TN was.

I used Ora gel swabs for relief sometimes in combo with drugs my (new) Dr prescribed.

Thank you Lorna for your information. I appreciate you sharing. Ironically, I am an RN but 13 years ago I had an opportunity to go into business so I took a leap of faith and did that. I don’t know much about TN yet. I ordered the book they recommended on this site. I’m like a sponge for information and very open to hearing what is helping others. Like you I’m not going to put the quality of my life in just one doctor right now or treatment/medication. I’m open to exploring all options. Thank you so much again for the information you provided. I’m just beginning this journey, praying to do well and at some point be able to help and inspire others.

Wear as preventative or when pain starts… Most put it on when a shock wave is coming?