Hi, I'm currently trying to get my doc to treat me for B12 deficiency. I have a 'grey zone' B12 rating but it is within the normal range, as per NHS guidelines, so he is unconvinced of my need for this. I have a strong gut feeling that my TN is B12 connected and recently, when on a pernicious anaemia forum, I discovered no fewer than 4 people who had had TN and 3 of them had been cured of it by B12 injections, and the other one had had her symptoms greatly reduced. As I wasn't even looking for this information (I was trying to find data on B12 false 'normal' test results), I was gobsmacked, to say the least. However, it has made me even more determined to pursue this line of treatment.
To this end, does anyone know of any reputable articles suggesting a TN/B12 deficiency connection? I know it has been suggested because I've discussed the possibility of a connection with others on here, but I need something reputable, from good research, to present to my doctor. Any suggestions (with links if you have them!) gratefully received.