For the few weeks I have been experiencing a fullness sound like water in my ear. I have tried drops and ritual cleaning. It did clear up for a few days and then came back. I actually am having issues hearing out of this ear (which sadly is my good ear). I have been using depakote cream on that side with the ear troubles since that is my TN effected side. (Left). Anyone else experiencing hearing problems as a side effect to their meds or TN? Any advice for this would be helpful its very annoying and I constantly try to 'pop' my ears but it doesn't help! Thanks all!
I too have this, what part of the country are you located in, I would really like to find someone closer to me that has some of the same issues. I have has this for years before I even was diagnoses of TN, was sent to an ears, nose and throat specialist several years ago, they found nothing, started to believe "this is all in my head". Last October I went into more and more symptoms of TN, was diagnosed in the end of January of this year. I live in a small town in upstate NY and none of the locals have ever treated chiropractor was the first to give me the TN news. My family doctor did all the research along with me, now he is moving to TN so I need to start all over, yesterday I did spend some time researching doctors in NY, I am waiting for an end of Sept appt. They are waiting for the referral from my family doctor. Now yesterday I had a melt down on my way to work, had to find someone to get my husband and drive me home, out of work again till at least the 12th of July when I see my doctor. This is really crazy....
Hi Kate, I have the same problem. I hope that helps you. In the beginning - 7 years ago - I would ask my GP to "syringe" my ears out, thinking I have an oversupply of wax. He reassured me there was nothing wrong with, or inside, my ear. I even went so far as having a hearing test, convinced I had a hearing problem. The hearing fellow said if I used a hearing aid it would drive me crazy. I returned to my GP almost in tears because my sons joked and said I had selective hearing, which it did appear to be. But, no. The GP "reassured" me it was the TN.
I have finally become used to it, in a fashion. Some days the water feeling in my left ear is worse than other days. This morning was one of them. My GP reprimanded me and told me not to fiddle or put drops or anything in my ears, particularly not ear buds. It would, he said, cause further problems.
Well, I hope that helps. It is not reassuring, I know, but at least you know you are not alone.
Thanks to you both, I AM glad to know this is not a new issue per say, but just an extension of my existing one. Pdibbs, I live in Oregon. I too had hoped to meet someone close by to share my troubles with. Have found a few but not kept in touch with anyone. Could still be good to communicate with someone even if we are not close by. I think its important to share problems like these so we don't freak out when something new comes along.
I probably would have contacted my doctor but my insurance ran out as of the end of march. At first I believed it was an infection or swelling behind the ear drum. I've heard that the canal back there can do that. Glad to know its not that. Thank you both for your help!
I have had that happen in the past, Wasn't diagnosed at that time but it does happen to me from time to time Sometimes my inner ear will also get incredibly sore to go along with it. Funny how all these little things I never really considered to be part of this are all experienced by others with this disease. Like so much of this all I can do is ride it out....but it is comforting to know that I am not crazy and like I have been telling my doctor for years, all of this stuff is related.
Brian, I agree, I think this all is related too. I also experience sore muscles in my neck, I think that is largely due to trying to favor my bad side and everything just cramps up. Yes the ear thing can be somewhat painful. I think mainly because I fiddle with it a lot. But to me nothing seems quite as bad as a TN episode. Ever since all that started everything else seems like nothing in comparison. Thank you for you input, everyone's info is very helpful.
Hi Kate
My TN/TN2/GPN/hemi- facial spasm all started in the ear. Sometimes it seemed like I had bags of gravel and water in there, the fullness and pressure drove me nuts. I have found its just best not touch that ear at all - although my hand is unconsciously traveling there all the time! Also very limited ear bud wearing.
I keep my head and the bad ear wrapped in light merino wool headgear from BUFF, even in summer. This also protects area from stems of reading glasses, sun glasses, etc.
Hope this helps.
Hello all. I have to noticed some hearing loss.. and what me puzzled right now.. at 47 I have always thought I had very good eye sight. but honest to God.. the wife and I were shopping for cloths for a up coming wedding couple weeks ago and I couldn't even read the prices on the tag. I had my eyes checked a week before the attack and I find I mt eye sight on one side is quite bad. to what you are talking about.. I am also experiencing what feels like water in my right ear the past 6 or so months.. I even got to the point of ordering that vacuum gadget off of tv and nothing is there. I will discuss this inner ear pain along with the throat and swallowing pain. Doctor confirmed I had no redness or infections in either of the ear or throat. so it more that likely be GN.. will see with this next appt. good luck to all on this post. :)
I do wear glasses and have noticed that even those seem to not help and my eye sight is getting worse too. Could be progressive though, I do have astigmatisms in both eyes, but when my ten pain hits my left eye gets all snowy looking like a bad TV connection. That started about a year before the TN came about. I find it odd at 35 to have trouble hearing. I often find myself asking people to repeat themselves and turning the TV up. But at the same time loud noises are bothersome! Ugh, all the lovely side affects of this are slowly rearing their heads! Hopefully nothing else shows up....