Having an episode

I am having an episode and my neck is drawing to my shoulder does anyone else have this happen to them.

Greetings abpatterson1968,

When I was having my bad electrical attacks my neck would do the same thing. I eventually realized that when I woke up in the morning I could tell how bad my attack day would be by how tight and far down toward my shoulder my head would be. I then learned that I could massage my neck and the attacks would lessen.


Is it still happening? Is there a correlation? Have you called your doctor?


I always have a slight tightness in my neck mainly under my chin. I keep it in check by either manual massage, hydro massage in a spa/hot tub and/or aleve when it starts to get stiffer. The greatest stiffness is almost always in the morning when I get up. I definitely believe that there is a correlation in that the neck as it gets stiff and pulls it pulls against the protective layer of your brain, thus putting pressure on the brain. That in turn puts pressure on the nerve. This is my theory that I have not really researched or been told by a doctor, so take it for what it is worth. There may or may not be something to it.

I have not asked my doctor about it. I will talk to my therapist sister about it next time I see her and get her take on it.


I have to agree that when my TN started I would react with my neck drawing down to my shoulder. I put this down to my reaction to the pain however like the couple of comments already massage helped to loosen mystiffening neck and eased the pain. Since starting on meds this has eased considerably. My neck still stiffens when the pain is bad.


I find that when my TN is bad I almost totally freeze my neck so it is stiff, I think, from my efforts not to move it. My husband can tell how bad it’s been by looking at my neck and swollen cheek.