Has Medical Marijuana helped anyone?

I live in Oregon, a medical Marijuana state, and I am sick and tired of pain meds. I hear such great things about MM. I would not smoke it, just as a liquid drop to be orally taken, a couple drops once a day is usually all that a prescription calls for. Or even as topical cream. Any thoughts?


Yeah, I'm in Seattle and the dispensaries have all kinds of concentrates. There's vegetable glycerin that you dose with a dropper under the tongue. There's butter and oils that you can use in cooking. And then they have hash and concentrates that are smoked.

I've found hash and edibles to be the best for me. Eating can be more expensive compared to smoking, I had a vaporizer but broke it, but it was super handy.

If you find a local MM related group you can get much better discounts than retail dispensaries. Here in Seattle there's a forum that verifies doctor recommendations and gives you access to a private forum where people buy/sell/trade and even donate stuff for free to other patients, and it's much cheaper. They also post upcoming private marijuana farmers markets that's literally a farmers market for bud.

When I grew a bunch I soaked a bunch in some chemistry grade pure alcohol, then rubbed it on my face and it would help for a bit. I told my pain specialist about it and he said he had an 83 year old lady tell him she put an MM ointment on her leg and it helped her nerve pain.

Put marijuana in search box…mannnny replies !