Hair Loss and Gabapentin

Has any one else experienced hair loss with the use of gabapentin? I am so depressed! :(

I know it is just hair and there are worse things but really TN pain and hair loss also not fair. I had really thin hair to start with and now my hair is even getting thinner I do not want to go bald does anyone else have the same problem and is there any thing that can be done about it? And if you quit Gabapentin does it grow back?

Does anyone know if trileptal causes hair loss as well ?

Signed Baldy LOL have to laugh or cry

I am currently taking Gabapentin and my hair has been shedding but I didn’t think it was the medicine! Wow…

I looked up gabapentin and hair loss and there is a lot of people talking about it so I figure it must be the gabapentin and menophause lets hope we keep our hair how long have you been on gabapentin I have been on it for about 2 years but about 3-4 Months ago I had to indcrease it from 1200mg to 2800 mg a day

more2loooove said:

I am currently taking Gabapentin and my hair has been shedding but I didn't think it was the medicine! Wow....

I was on Gabapentin for about 2 years (after adding it to others) and I have to confess, my head of hair is no longer the luxurious waterfall it was LOL! I agree, it's just hair.... and I don't know why it's important.... but it is! 2800mg?? Geez Kat.... that seems like a very high dose to me. Is that more than the max? Reading around the site... even though I had TN for 8 years, it seems as though I have been lucky. Apart from that attack yesterday following Friday's activities, my pain has gone and I have been off all meds for it for almost 2 months now. The brain fog is beginning to lift.... but there's certainly not as much hair to brush as there used to be. :(

I just started taking Gabapentin 6 days ago. I am only on 10 mg, I asked the Dr if I could take more, as I was feeling nothing at all. He increased it to take two at a time. Is is normal to start at this low of a dose? I did not know about the hair loss. Does is also give you gastro problems? And why does he expect that one quarter of a mg of clonazapam is enough. He wouldnt even allow me to take a half mg. So frustrated

I is a lot but I think the max does is like 3200 or 3600 but I have seen people on more I The tn has gotten a little better and I am trying to reduce the meds I am now down to 2400 mg a day I would like to get it back down to about 1600 MG a day. I think I am reaqdy to cut down to 2000mg a day I already have been getting some shcoks and stabs a little not too bad, If the gaapentin stops working and I have to increase back up I think I will try Trileptal that is what my doctor wants to do I am serously thing about have an MVD next year got to much going on for that yet. I also feel lucky that I am not as bad as some of the others like a friend of mine that has anethesia delarosa she takes so much meds I do not know how she functiuons she take more than the max of gabapentin because she has prolems with the others TN can come and go but boy when it rears it ugly head it sucks this last flare up was pretty intense. Good luck I hope yours stays away nasty TN monster

belau said:

I was on Gabapentin for about 2 years (after adding it to others) and I have to confess, my head of hair is no longer the luxurious waterfall it was LOL! I agree, it's just hair.... and I don't know why it's important.... but it is! 2800mg?? Geez Kat.... that seems like a very high dose to me. Is that more than the max? Reading around the site... even though I had TN for 8 years, it seems as though I have been lucky. Apart from that attack yesterday following Friday's activities, my pain has gone and I have been off all meds for it for almost 2 months now. The brain fog is beginning to lift.... but there's certainly not as much hair to brush as there used to be. :(

Yes I think that is low normally it is 100mg 3x day and increased from there but you do want to take the least abouy but have it effective are you seeing a neuralgist if not you should go to one. Do not know about the gastric problems but you can google it also I know nothing about the clozapan

clothespin chin, cement face said:

I just started taking Gabapentin 6 days ago. I am only on 10 mg, I asked the Dr if I could take more, as I was feeling nothing at all. He increased it to take two at a time. Is is normal to start at this low of a dose? I did not know about the hair loss. Does is also give you gastro problems? And why does he expect that one quarter of a mg of clonazapam is enough. He wouldnt even allow me to take a half mg. So frustrated

I have been on Gabapentin for years, I increase or decrease dose depending on TN (won't even say the dose I am on right now, been a tough couple weeks with TN), but for me for the most part it works. As for hair, I have found a really good shampoo and conditioner, it also has a serum that you put a little on. It also does not break the bank, bonus! It is call Biotin & Collagen by Organix, they have a few types, I use the thick and full. I heard about it from a lady who lost hair after a pregnancy (never had kids, who knew that could happen!) but I have seen a difference in my hair (and I have super fine hair), less coming out on brush, does feel fuller and look thicker! Somedays with TN can't shower, but when I can I have been happy with this and the result. It may just be hair, but especially with TN feeling good about ourselves is important! Not sure if they have them where you are but CVS pharmacy carries the product and I believe Walgreens does as well.


Thankyou Betsy I do have those store here and I also have had really fine hair so that is why it suck to lose any extra here to being bald and pain free LOL not really LOL It is crazy the hair loss bothers me more than the pain

Betsy Carlson said:

I have been on Gabapentin for years, I increase or decrease dose depending on TN (won't even say the dose I am on right now, been a tough couple weeks with TN), but for me for the most part it works. As for hair, I have found a really good shampoo and conditioner, it also has a serum that you put a little on. It also does not break the bank, bonus! It is call Biotin & Collagen by Organix, they have a few types, I use the thick and full. I heard about it from a lady who lost hair after a pregnancy (never had kids, who knew that could happen!) but I have seen a difference in my hair (and I have super fine hair), less coming out on brush, does feel fuller and look thicker! Somedays with TN can't shower, but when I can I have been happy with this and the result. It may just be hair, but especially with TN feeling good about ourselves is important! Not sure if they have them where you are but CVS pharmacy carries the product and I believe Walgreens does as well.


I have been on Gabapentin for a year so far. I think my hair just is not the same due to menopause. I know a gentleman that has a full head of hair and has been on Gabapentin for many years.