Having breakthrough pain so my nerve block must be wearing off. The Tegretol isn’t doing it so I started back on neurontin 2 days ago. It’s helpful just makes me more confused and I stutter when I’m on it. I’ll take that over pain. Also having a root canal next Wednesday. So staid this will set things off full force. So tired of this…
I can understand your frustration as I had a nerve block and after a month it wore off and the pain came back full force. I’m glad to hear that the gabapentin is helping, but the side effect sound horrible. I feel really bad that you have to have a root canal next Thursday as you dealing with the nerve block wearing off as I remember how back the pain was when the nerve block wore off. Do you have a good dentist? For me that and sedation during the procedue is vital, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to survive dental work.
You are in my prayers
I'm currently on Tegretol and my neuro upped my dose because I had round-the-clock pain. The confusion can get in the way, and make you feel out of control. I'm glad you're pain is down. Like you I am tired of this as well...but glad to hear stories like yours. In an odd way it's comforting to know that none of us our suffering alone. Be well and I'll keep you in my prayers.