Does gluten increase your pain? Anyone out there that has this issue?
I have been on a 100% gluten free diet for seven weeks now as an experiment to see if this diet would affect my pain. I'm eating only fruit, veggies and meat. I have to say that pain has decreased, especially the excruciating pain when eating or chewing. Plus, I have virtually no breakthrough pain now (for the last two weeks). But if I'm late on a dose of meds, pain comes back pretty quickly. I have decided to stay gluten free to see if these benefits last, and because I feel better overall. No longer have that stuffed, bloated feeling after eating, I am finally starting to lose a few pounds which has been impossible on these meds, and I have more energy to exercise and be active. I've come to believe that the hybrid wheat and other grains that make up the American diet are detrimental to one's health. If you suspect that you have an food allergy or autoimmune disorder, the diet is worth doing.
a little aside from the main topic but for info I have just been advised that I am magnesium deficient, I have stuck to a magnesium rich diet, taken two supplements each day and cut out (as recommended chocolate, cheese, crisps and cream) and touch wood the pain seems to have decreased quite a bit ...please note this is NOT general advise but results of my own personal testing by a registered alternative therapist however I do feel that mostly definately a persons diet will have an effect on their neuralgia
Thanks. I have so much to learn....
I am currently trying a gluten free diet to see if it has an effect on my pain. I'm was surprised to experience an increase in pain. I've been off gluten for 7 weeks now and I keep thinking things will improve, but instead it gets worse. It's hard for me to believe that a lack of gluten could ever be a problem, but I'm thinking seriously of stopping this experiment.
I have been gluten free for a little over a year now and am a newbie with TN. I still ingest gluten at times and haven't noticed a difference. I do know that gluten is considered an inflammatory food but I don't know if the trigeminal nerve is inflammed or not.