Has anyone had Gamma Knife treatment? I’m scheduled to have it soon and I’m kind of scared. I would like to know how was your experience with it. I’m afraid of the secondary effects.
i had the gamma knife on the 16th of december. i promise it doesnt hurt if you have tn it is like a walk in the park.im 16 and smiled while they put the screws in my head cause it didnt hurt. i was weak and tired afterwards. i recomend resting after it cause you'll need it. i've had no bad side effects and my pain is very very slowley starting to slow down. i've had 3 mvd and 1 rfa and this is the only thing tht gave some relief so far
Thank you Amanda,
I also had the MVD but it didn't work. What scares me the most is the possibility of having permanent numbness in my face. Thank you for the resting advise.
I've had 2 stereotactic radiosurgeries; though not the Trademark 'Gamma', mine were not cosmetic laser treatments. These, as well as an MVD and medications haven't been successful for me.
My experiences aside; I only reassure that THAT brain surgery was painless. My secondary effects, well, that's a few pages.
I regret we've only passed in discussions, as I was busy in May withdrawing from Ativan.
I am really happy for Amanda!!!!! I am very hopeful for you : ) My best, bob
i wish i can help you do you have to have health insuance i bet
how much it cost i really want to do that am taking pills everyday
it took my drinking my bud lite away from me lol!! but if i can
get well i do what ever it takes ! i can hang out with my buddys enjoyed life lol!!!
Well, i am scheduled for February 1st. The meeting with the radio oncologist definitely scared me. Not the procedure itself but the possible side effects. All I want is to be able to live without the medicine. I want to be able to function at my fullest and kiss my husband without fear of pain. At the same time I’m hopeful that it will work.
Gamma Knife put me in the worse pain I've had since March, it peaked in April when I ended up in the ER. I was in hell for months, and worse of all, had to stop working. However by the middle of September my face started to get numb. The pain is now on the deeper tissues and bones (cheek bone jaw, tooth and sinus). I've had better days since the middle of September. I had Botox in August, so the doctors think the result may be a combination of both procedures. The numbness is annoying, but better than the pain.
I am hopeful, I need to go back to work. This improvement is new and I'm still with a lot of medication.