Today I had my first neuro visit. After hearing everyone else's experiences I was a tad nervous but it actually went really well. The HUGE news is that he is arranging an MRI with GA. I'll be asleep! Won't know anything!! Such a relief because I am the world's biggest wuss and can't have one even with sedation. He is concerned about the deep numbness I have in my inner cheek, toungue, lip and chin on the right side. Just to put my mind at rest, does anyone else have that?
What is GA?
Yay! So glad it went well for you and that your neuro is compassionate. I have heard many other members talk of the numbness you have....many have it. Hopefully one of those members will jump on here and put your mind at ease.
Hang in there and I hope to hear good things from you soon!
General Anesthesia, she will be sleeping like a baby!!
Its funny, I'm claustrophibic, but if they put the headset with mirrors on me it tricks my brain and relaxes me, I am strange in that every time I have an MRI I sleep through it..
For Catwoman: good luck with it!!
Jimmy Works said:
What is GA?
GA = General Anesthesia
HI, So gald it went well,and that you will be abelto have the MRI w/ sedation, to suit your needs!!
in answer; when I first had this condition ( later to be Dx'd, after about five years -- TN, glossopharyngeal neuralgia, adn chronic daily migraine) I had severe pain 24/7. whenever I was not having pain in certain areas, I DID have what I'd describe as deep numbness. IN the earlier days, after I'd done much searching on my own and discovered that some neurological symptoms I had most resembles people w/ migraine, I also discovered the research that had shown lidocaine nasal drops to be effective in stopping migraine ( in about 80% of migraineurs)
I presented this info to my doctor. He willingly prescribed it, as 'it couldn't hurt', and said: it may make your nose feel numb! hahahahaha. whenever the grapefruit sized arera behind my nose didn't hur[t, it felt numb anyway!
{BTW, the lidocaine drops worked and, back then, would give me 2 hours of welcome relief from the HA pain. this eventually helpd lead to part of my unexpected diagnosis.}
good luck!
Thanks everyone! I tried to tell him that I had heard stories of numbness on here but he kept saying "I'd understand pins and needles....."
So glad your first appt went well. I have mild numbness in my cheek and lip on the left side. I have an appt with a new neuro on Fri. 14 and will let you know what I find out. My first neuro wasn’t any help.
Thanks, Lisa. Mine is a bit more than mild numbness and that's why he's concerned. You know when you 've been to the dentist and been numbed for a cavity or whatever and it begins to wear off? That's my face. What fascinated him was that 20 years ago, in my early 30s I was diagnosed with painless migraines. My right side (same side as now) would go numb from hairline to chin for weeks at a time. My eye would water, my nose run, I'd drool a little and then it would go away for months! This phenomenon petered out over time and stopped about 10 years later. Now TN with numbness. I think he's searching for a conection.
What do drs know about numbness?! WE feel it, not them!
Ha! Maris. Too right! They should just listen and learn. Who knows, they may actually educate themselves.
I don't have what you have specifically, but I have read A lot about nerve damage from dental work and it really sounds like you have nerve damage from dental work done on your lower right teeth. Did you have a lower right molar extracted or lower right tooth root canal recently??? I have nerve damage from an upper molar and they cant do anything about nerve damage from upper teeth. Now the good news for you is on nerve damage on the lower teeth area they can do something to correct it , However, the sooner the better, as in ideally before 3 months after the procedure, maybe 6 months, maybe even a yr, the longer you wait, the less likely they can fix it. There is an oral surgeon named Dr. Mark Steinberg in Illinois, you can look him up on the internet, he fixes lower teeth nerve damage, but again, only if it hasn't been that long after the procedure. Good Luck!!
Facial numbness AND tingling sensations associated with emergence of face pain may be called "parasthesia". If your doctor doesn't recognize the term and can't explain it to you, then they probably shouldn't be your doctor.
Regards, Red
Hi! I didn't have lower teeth work imediatly before but I did have ab upper tooth fixed that had broken. My problems started only a couple of days after that. Although now I look back on it I had been having some low key aching in my jaw for some time following work done on an upper tooth only a couple away from the final one. Hmmmmm.
oh, o.k....when did the numbness start, that will tell you which tooth it was.. so, yeah, I was wrong, your problems started after upper tooth work, same as me... I also have weird on and off pain in my lower jaw and numbness in gum and tooth that is next to the extraction site...Now I am getting all sorts of tooth pain on the opposite side of where the initial nerve damage occurred. also, my problems also got much worse 5 days after a filling was done on an upper molar...
I have so many weird and wonderful pains that I loose track.The numbness is always in the bottom half of my mouth and inner cheek. For the past week or so I have had a dull ache in the center of my jaw but little in the way of pain. Thank God. Every day is different though.
Hey Catwoman. I am glad you had a productive appointment! I don't have parenthesis, but I do have the loss of heat sensation on my tongue and the roof of my mouth (which is dangerous when eating hot food - I am always burning the back of my throat). Good luck with your MRI.