Finally decided to try Amitriplyline!

Hi, so I've posted several times here about my reluctance to treat with my Gabapentin. After doing a lot of research I have decided to give Amitriptyline a try for a few reasons. My doc approved it even though she originally told me my only options were Gaba or Carba which I wanted neither. I picked it up yesterday along with my lidocaine. So I haven't started it yet because unfortunately I'm dealing with a kidney stone (most likely from my poor diet and fluid intake...everything hurts ya know) so I'm on hydrocodone and Zofran and one of the side effects of Amitriptyline is restricted urine flow. I'm sure that won't help with a stone :) One thing I can say is that as painful as this stone is being I'd take this over a flare any day. I'd put the stone at an 8 so far and my flares get a 10 easily. Just curious though, ever since I got sick which was well over a week ago my TN has calmed down (thank goodness) is this common that when your body is struggling with another infection or painful ailment that your face could be nice to you?? That's how I feel. I've been waiting for my face to go nuts but it is staying low in my jaw and bottom gums. My teeth don't really even hurt. I've even chewed some food on my right side! After chewing on my left side for years it felt weird and scary. Anyways, I'll keep you updated on the Med progress. So many of you have helped me and encouraged me so I feel like I want to share this new experience as I go through it. Thanks everyone. Hope everyone has a good day today!

Good Luck Bells, hope this med is the answer!
Sorry to hear about the kidney stone! Hope you’re feeling better soon!
(( hugs )) Mimi

Bells, hope all is taken care of really soon and wishing you much less pain!!


You may want to get a dry mouth spray. One the most common side effects is dry mouth. I'm on Nortriptyline and I carry hard candy and sugar free gum during the day but when the dry mouth is really bad, I also carry the spray. Also, every night before going to sleep I have to use the spray or my mouth is so dry the next morning. This is what I use and it's very good. Oasis moisturizing spray. You could probably get it or something like it at your local drug store, the link to Amazon is just for your information. I tried the gel and it was awful, like putting shortening in your mouth. They also have a mouthwash. I have it but so far the spray works and haven't needed to try it. I tried the biotene but like the Oasis better. A better mouth feel. But they probably have a generic or store brand that would work just fine. The spray is not only for the awful dry mouth but dry mouth is not great for the teeth. And we all want to avoid dental work. So at least use hard candies and/or sugar free gum.

Let me know how the Amitriptyline works for you. It does seem to be helping me but I am still in some pain :( Just working my dosage up so giving it some more time.

I haven't had any side effects with urination. I have been drinking a lot more water because I do have the dry mouth. It is the worst at night about an hour after I take the Amitriptyline and first thing in the morning. The fatigue has also been a lot to deal with but I am starting to feel a bit more normal and back to myself so I think I am getting used to it.

Good luck with everything and keep me updated !!

One time a few years ago at Christmas time i was having a pretty bad episode with TN.Well,i caught the flu,first time in years.I was so afraid it would make the TN horrible with all the triggers of coughing ,retching ect...yuck.Anyway the flu seemed to chase off the TN and it went into remission as the flu came on.That was the happiest flu i ever had.My doc said the body works that way at times.He said,....Uhh... maybe you shouldn't get a flu shot this year!Good luck with your treatment.

Too funny Don.

Now that you mention it, when my daughter and her 2 little ones stayed with me for awhile and I caught this bad bad couch/cold and the "retching" you mentioned reminded me of it, but TN! Couldn't have imagined the both!

Don said:

One time a few years ago at Christmas time i was having a pretty bad episode with TN.Well,i caught the flu,first time in years.I was so afraid it would make the TN horrible with all the triggers of coughing ,retching ect...yuck.Anyway the flu seemed to chase off the TN and it went into remission as the flu came on.That was the happiest flu i ever had.My doc said the body works that way at times.He said,....Uhh... maybe you shouldn't get a flu shot this year!Good luck with your treatment.