ER TodayH

Purchased! Along with Striking Back! Can’t wait to read them :slight_smile:

In preparation for your next harsh attack, is there something your neurologist could wrtie-up in a letter and give to you in preparation for these attacks with instructions to the attending emergency doctor? SOmething that recommends a good medicine for these kind of harsh attacks? The emergency doctor would probably be more inclined to give you strong pain meds in that case. You could keep the letter in your purse or wallet for an emergency.

If your neuro does not know what would help in that situation, the emergency room doc is not.

I wish I could have gotten ahold of my neuro. He probably would have admitted me for an iv protocol to break the pain cycle. It’s hard when you have an attack and your neuro is gone. I will talk to him about leaving instructions for what to do. The little bit of dilaudid and the steroid shot they gave me did seem to help at least, even if I was treated poorly. I am trying lidocaine patches for the first time today. My neuro gave them to me, but I haven’t had any of the kind of pain I can use these for since he gave them to me last week. Most of my pain has been too close to my eye. So far, mixed reviews. My tooth is hurting and I can’t put a patch on that. I have an earache type pain and I can’t put a patch on that either. The skin on my cheek is numb though lol.

That’s a great suggestion, Don.
I asked my neurologist about that and she thought I should just take extra meds and go to bed. Little does she know…
So I found out for myself.
Usually I have that information with me but wouldn’t you know, came away this weekend without it. Duh…
When I get home will make a Post for all to see.

Great you ordered the book, Heather.

Yes, it’s an IV protocol, that much I remember, a BIG one.

Yeah my neuros answer for everything seems to be “take more neurontin.” It’s either that or be admitted for 5 days. No in between. I’m spending an entire day at the face pain climic I’m the medical center in Houston on Tuesday for another evaluation and second opinion on my surgery and recovery so I will ask while I’m there also. They are supposed to be some of the best doctors in the world! If anyone knows it should be them!

Oh they all think they’re the best…

I really hope you get some answers and a plan, it seems like this has been going on too long for you.


Its a beautiful country but cold and wet most of the time. I work in Clydebank so know it quite well. It is about an hours drive from where I live. I live between Glasgow and Stirling. You should try to visit, the scenery in Scotland is wonderful and up north very atmospheric. It has to do with light quality.

HCal said:

Ahhh my heritage is Scottish! My grandmother moved to America when she was 14 :-) she was from Clyde Bank. Do you know where that is? Scotland is very near the top of my list of places I want to go visit.