Desperate here with pain from Anesthesia Dolorosa

Does anyone have any suggestions to help me with the pain and discomfort. Today I feel pretty bad. I can't seem to get any relief. Today is not a good one. I just wish I could crawl into a hole and sleep forever. I went ahead and picked up my sweet 5 yr. old Granddaughter because she makes me forget what I'm going thru. This afternoon I feel pretty rotten. I need to sweep my livingroom floor and vacuum but I know it will wait. Can only be soft foods alwell. Actually I think it is coming to that for every day. Just looking for auggestions because I'm hurting badly today. But hopefully tomorrow will be better.

((( hugs ))), I wish I knew what to tell you…on those kinds of days I would try anything and everything from cold packs to warmed up heating pads, I’d add some Advil to my regular med regime or do focused deep breathing. I’d try to pass out from the pain and nap for a few hour relief. Sometimes, no matter what I did, nothing worked.

I’ve even tried visualization techniques, I was told once to imagine my nerves being struck by energizing lightening entering through the top of my head and travelling through the nerve into all the branches of my face. These positive lightening strikes were positive energy flowing through… then to visualize standing under a (warm) waterfall , to wash away all the negative energy.

Believe it or not. This worked a few times for me to lessen the intensity of the pain.

I hope you find some relief today and are able to enjoy your granddaughter!

(( hugs )) Mimi

thanks, but I'm on no meds, as there is nothing that works. We have tried everything. I even have Lidocaine patches. Being around my Granddaughter is wonderful because she is so sweet. she comes and covers me up and gives me kisses.

Mimi said:

((( hugs ))), I wish I knew what to tell you...on those kinds of days I would try anything and everything from cold packs to warmed up heating pads, I'd add some Advil to my regular med regime or do focused deep breathing. I'd try to pass out from the pain and nap for a few hour relief. Sometimes, no matter what I did, nothing worked.
I've even tried visualization techniques, I was told once to imagine my nerves being struck by energizing lightening entering through the top of my head and travelling through the nerve into all the branches of my face. These positive lightening strikes were positive energy flowing through.... then to visualize standing under a (warm) waterfall , to wash away all the negative energy.
Believe it or not. This worked a few times for me to lessen the intensity of the pain.
I hope you find some relief today and are able to enjoy your granddaughter!
(( hugs )) Mimi

To be honest right now I'm so miserable I can't even think of them all. Over 13 years, plenty. Thanks for you comments though. Nothing works. When I ask my surgeon, he says there is nothing else.

Damaged by Sargenti Paste R/C said:

I don't see how u r doing it without meds. I can hardly stand it when my morning meds start wearing off and not time to take the evening concoction... Like now. Im sleeping my life away. Ive been putting up shelves in my closet for at least 3 weeks now. What was I thinking when I bought a fixer upper?? I'm afraid 6 months later, I've sunk into my normal life and lack of motivation.

What have you tried?

To be honest I wouldn't let them go in there again. Not after being this damaged after the first one. I'm way to scared with the luck I have had. Thanks.

Cleo said:

Wonder why they don't offer you another MVD or at least motor cortex stimulator? I still haven't seen anyone showing up claiming DREZ was a cure.

Have you looked into a peripheral nerve stimulator? I have tried lots of meds, am not a candidate for MVD due to having type 2 TN and have been advised against any of the nerve damaging treatments such as gamma knife, etc because the potential for harm is too great for my situation. I have been referred for Neuro stimulator/ transmitter evaluation next month, I am not sure if this would or could work for me but I am running short of options. I am wondering if this might be an option for you. I hope and pray for some pain free days soon for you! Take care!

I have not heard of that. Let me know what you find out. What kind of dr. do you go to for such a thing?

TL said:

Have you looked into a peripheral nerve stimulator? I have tried lots of meds, am not a candidate for MVD due to having type 2 TN and have been advised against any of the nerve damaging treatments such as gamma knife, etc because the potential for harm is too great for my situation. I have been referred for Neuro stimulator/ transmitter evaluation next month, I am not sure if this would or could work for me but I am running short of options. I am wondering if this might be an option for you. I hope and pray for some pain free days soon for you! Take care!

There is a group here about it, it is called “Neuro Stimulators Of Any Kind”. My knowledge of them is very limited and I have just started reading about them but they do seem to help some people who can’t find medications that help and/or are not surgical candidates. I hope this helps.

What causes anesthesia dolorosa?

I just looked up anesthesia dolorosa and it has the same symptoms as atypical tn type 2 so what is the difference between them????

Ayre, here’s a link
