Every since three crowns and two root canals on the same tooth that was later removed, dentists appointments have been nil. My doctor would not allow any dental work for the past three years. Hell, for the first two years I rarely brushed my teeth or could do anything after a lifetime of excellent dental hygiene.
My teeth burn, ache, freeze, gnaw and pierce life there is no tomorrow. I told my Specialist that I felt so disgusted with my dental hygiene the past three years. I asked many times if I could just see a dentist for a cleaning. Finally, after three years he agreed to let me see a dentist after I suggested I go to his dentist! I thought maybe an underlying dental issue could be exacerbating the pain.
The dentist said my bite is off, my back teeth don’t touch when I close my mouth and I will never get better without facial exercises to fix my bite. He insisted my bite caused the initial problems which is dead wrong. My bite was a result of the injury of which I am 100% certain. In addition to dental care, he wants me to see a cognitive behavioral therapist at UCLA to address why I use my tongue to protect my teeth from pain, why I try to suck my fillings out, etc.
I had a cleaning that took six hours over three appointments. They insisted I be numbed when cleaning the damaged area. I so did not want any needles ever again. The cleaning of my bad area, around #13 to #15, triggered a massive attack, pain, migraines and more, that kept me in bed for 18 days. The cost was $1,000.
The dentist said I had two small cavities to fill at $500 each. They are on the other side of my mouth so the first one cause pain but no reactions. The complicated part is that five of my teeth, including all four back molars where fractured several times. This would normally involve five crowns and possible root canals of which everyone agrees is never going happen. He wants to cover the fractured teeth with porcelain inlays to help protect the teeth for a while. I don’t have dental insurance and live on Disability. Three dentists and $20,000 caused me this illness and now they want to start all over again!? The time, money and emotional distress of being in a dental chair is overwhelming.
Basically my mouth is a ticking timebomb. It is just a matter of time. At 52, I do not want to be waiting for the next shoe to drop for 20 years. I am beside myself. I asked my doctor to remove all my teeth therefore saving me 20 years of fear. He said absolutely not and that I would be miserable with full dentures. Knowing the shape my teeth are in, my bite issues and over fragile state I am in, I am ready to pull them out myself.
Thoughts? Comments? Help?