Crawling feeling on face

Hi, i''m new here and wondering as well as the terrible pain does anyone else have a crawling feeling sometimes? Like an insect crawling over your skin? Many thanks :)

The sensation you describe is medically called "parasthesia". It is a common element of both types of TN as well as generalized trigeminal neuropathic pain caused by trauma or dental work.

Regards, Red

I only get that in one spot on top of my head bout an inch back from my hair line off and on. Along with pain tho.Very annoying. :(

It is annoying, It makes me brush my face and that causes the pain to go mad. :(

It happens to me daily. Often multiple times. Very annoying, and painful. I get an area in my hairline like Min C mentioned. I also get a place near my cheek bone. This makes me touch that spot, often subconsciously, triggering pain on my cheek and jaw.

Sad for us all but nice to know I'm not going mad, lol. I also get it a lot in my cheeks and sometimes in my lower jaw. I hate it as i am frightened of bugs and that's what it feels like to me. Crawling bugs under my skin or walking on my face. Yuck!! Thanks to all for replying to me, i did not know if it was a TN thing or not. :(

Yep, I get it... strangely right before I read this post I was experiencing it along my hairline. Fun times.

Yes, I used to get this in the inside and the outside of my right nostril and under the nose, above the lip on the right side. Thankfully, Botox injections (using the migraine plan of treatment) takes this and the annoying burning away for 5-6 weeks. I'm 5 weeks out from the last treatment and am having to tritate up slowly on the neurontin to cover the pain and creep crawler friends that come to visit. Sadly the meds taken at their max do NOT take care of the pain. So, in addition to extra meds, It's time to pull my elliptical walking schedule up another 15 minutes or so each day to compensate. Since I experience an anesthesia delorosa and trigeminal neuropathy on top of ATN type pain due to Gamma Knife radiation damage to the nerve, there is only so much a person can do. I will say that the creepy crawly happenings is really weird feeling and painful at times. What a goofy nerve we have! ha! Take Care, Puppyhound :-)

I can definitely identify with this. I have that awful crawling feeling

over my right eye socket and front of my scalp most days now. Sometimes

it turns in to the most severe pain I have ever experienced, like someone

is pouring ice cold water over my scalp, sheer hell on earth!