Christmas with pain... just need to vent

My TN npain has gotten worse everyday for the last month, and with it being so cold my Fibro pain is also worse. My kids think im sick all the time because I hurt so bad that all they see. I havent had a job in over a year but, my husband is very amazing and understanding. He is always there for me and it kills him that he cant take away my pain. I just want to be able to play with my kids. I still am busy all the time though, My very sick mother in law lives with me and I do everything for her.... everything(my husband cant deal with it- its his mom, so he ignores it). I also have my sister, her hubby and there 2 kids living with us. its a full house and I seem to be the only one that cleans and cooks! its getting old, i also have my sisters 6 month old daughter alot because my sister and her hubby fight all the time. I guess im just venting while i have the chance.. somehow I will make it through, even when I dont really want to... It hurts so bad and im so hungry but because of the pain i cant eat, i barely drink anything and I cant really yell (or talk much) at/to my kids.. I wish I knew a cure for TN and Fibro.... No one should have to live with them!

Molly Stanworth

Molly, I am sorry the pain has been getting worse. Stress causes mine to act beyond what the combo of meds will cover. I've been walking on my eliptical a LOT lately (1-2 hours every other day) and the endorphins work better for pain than the hand full of meds I take every 4-5 hours or so. With the workouts I can eliminate on whole dose of the scripts. It's Christmas eve day and if I don't take care of myself and get my workout in, then I'll be in tears tonight. This horrible pain has taught me to take care of myself like I have never, ever done before. I pray that you can get some time for yourself to care and pamper yourself and be your own best friend. Even with Chronic pain for the last 10 years, my kids (now 20, 13, and 11) have tried to be patient and understanding. My hubby reminds them before he leaves to drive a train for 2 or more days, that they are important to my well being. That they need to help me if I ask, and do so without an attitude. He and they so want this pain to go away (as do I) but for now we work together to make the best of it. The jokes about a painful face are never ending!

I remember when my mom was ill and passed. It was stressful, but beautiful to be able to serve her and chat with her everyday and try to encourage her in her last wishes. I believe God is with us in these dark, saddened places and it was His peace that has created each day of the last 10 years to be a "learning to enjoy the moments we have" and "not fret over what is impossible for this very moment in time". My hubby also has been exactly what I have needed through this and I feel for him as well because a man REALLY hurts when his woman or children are hurt and they cannot change it.

Please keep your eyes open for medical opportunities that I believe are on the horizon. Even in the last 10 years, I feel blessed because people with our problem 25-50 years ago did not have the advances that help us today. They were just left to suffer and wait to die. With Fibro on top of TN, I cannot imagine your pain. I have migraines on top of this and with Botox being FDA approved for migraine prevention, I get 200 units to the scalp every 6 weeks as an outpatient at the pain clinic. They are wonderful there and since the Trigeminal nerve is a main nerve involved in migraine, the Botox holds back some of the trigeminal pain. We paid for Botox cash for over a year (ouch!) until last October when the FDA approved it. So perhaps with each passing year we will find new and effective relief for ourselves…Oh, Dear LORD, please help those on this forum and those suffering with TN not on this forum to find the relief to have a life again. Molly take care and Merry Christmas! (eMail me if you'd like: Sincerely, LyndaS

Hi Molly, thanks for the vent. I know exactly how you feel. As i sit here reading your vent I send prayers to a true and living God who loves us and cares how we feel. Why we ask are we going through this? Why won't God just heal us and get rid of it? I stop asking that a long time ago. I just thank him for the day when I arise and pray he gets me through it. But know this Molly He does care and longs to have a deeper and meaningful relationship with him. I know sometime stress makes my TN worse and so therefore I try to keep myself drama free. It is easier because all are gone from the house now but i do have a job and deadlines and sometimes those days are hard to get through. Thanks for venting and hang in there....remember God is only a whisper away and he really does care.....thanks for letting me vent.... :)

i care! we all care. i cry for you and me and the others struggling for answers. i blame myself. you dont deserve this. you really dont. i hope you can have the mvd and for many it is the answer.