I've been on this a long time, it was good for so long, now I'm having dizzyness here and there. I mean bad, I can't read, drive and need to sit down. Doctor says well need to decide the pain or the dizzyness sometimes I opt for the dizzyness. This happen to anyone else. Makes life difficult and my family acts likes it's nothing
Hi Sluggo, I've been on carbamazepine steady since '09, with periods up to 1500mg and it's never made me what I'd call dizzy. Gabapentin makes me loopy, but not carbamazepine. Glad you've seen a doctor, but I'm concerned that he/she didn't say your liver should be checked. I get a regular lipid profile, to prove my liver is still doing its job with this stuff. If not, it can reach "toxic" levels. Good luck.
It hasn't made me dizzy, but it sure makes me DOPEY and forgetful and tired. Wish I knew what to tell you. (((hugs)))
I would get a new doctor.
You should not be that disabled by dizziness
Call your pharmacist too make sure this is not some sign of the med doing something bad to you!
Hi sluggo,
After being on carbamazepine slow release for a year and a half at 800mg/day I started experiencing dizziness and then true vertigo. Had to stop driving, working etc…was investigated for ALL causes of Vertigo and nothing…so my GP and neurologist think its either the carbamazepine OR a cross compression of my 8th nerve as well as my 5th. Won’t know for sure until mvd.
Best to get testing done to eliminate all other causes of dizziness, but it could very well be the Tegretol ( carbamazepine).
My vertigo is worse when I’m more active…because my TN pain is worse the last few months I am not active so less dizziness. I tend to fall/ stumble to my right a lot.
Best advice is see the doctor and get tested for inner ear, BPPV etc.
(( hugs)) Mimi
Sluggo, yes I have experienced dizzyness with Teg. At one stage I could barely walk across a room. It did pass but I hated it. I feel for you.