Vertigo, lightheaded

I have been taking 2400mg per day of Gabapentin for the past 6 weeks. Occasionally, I have had short spells of dizziness about 30 minutes after taking my pill. I have also had brief feelings of vertigo, but only a few times, and only when I was lying down and turned my head to the side. Yesterday I woke up with it, and it lasted almost all day. I could not walk without holding on to something. Very weird feeling.
I was just curious if anyone else had experienced this.
Thanks, you all are my best resource!

Vertigo and dizziness are common side effects of Gabapentin in the dose range you indicate. Alternately, however, you might need to be checked out by an ENT for "benign positional vertigo", a problem caused by debris build-up in the middle ear, or damage to the hair follicles which help to provide the human sense of balance.

Regards, Red

Hi Christine,
I have Vertigo and imbalance. When mine started I was only on 800mg Tegretol.
(that was almost a year ago)

Red is right, it could be from your high dose of gabapentin or it could be BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) either way you should go to your doctor or an ENT.
There are anti vertigo meds you can take ( they didn’t work for me this time ) ten years ago I had a bout of vertigo and was given Serc and it worked great then, and the vertigo dissipated.

This time around I have had many tests, they initially thought BPPV and I did physiotherapy for it, but eventually they decided that my vertigo was not BPPV. Ive had a cat scan of my ear, steroids in case of an infection of the vestibular, hearing tests, physio, ENT visits, and most recently a test called eng/vng to test my middle ear functioning. I’m waiting to see my ENT for results. ( apparently there was an abnormality).

In any event, please see your doctor asap. It might just be from your meds. In the meantime, try to keep your head still, no sudden movements turning head to the side or up and down.
Be cautious walking around as you could fall from imbalance.
Don’t drive, ( I haven’t been allowed to all year!) make sure someone takes you to the doctor.
Good luck, hope it goes away soon. Please let me know how you make out, message me if you have any questions,
(((( hugs )))), Mimi

Thank to both Red and Mimi! I will check with my GP Monday, though am feeling a bit better today. My sister has had BPPV more than once, so I will be sure to ask about that.

I did on my meds after the first 2 mths. My neurologist performed a simple manovere called the 'Epley Manouvere@ and it cured it in 5 minutes.

Natalie, many members have this S/E and would really appreciate you elaborating on the Epley Manouvere, myself included :slight_smile:

Natalia said:

I did on my meds after the first 2 mths. My neurologist performed a simple manovere called the 'Epley Manouvere@ and it cured it in 5 minutes.

I have the fair grounding effect you describe, I do often forget but sudden movements are to be avoided. I leaned forward to pass my husband the remote control and nearly cartwheeled the other night LOL!

Jackie: there is a description of the maneuver at wikipedia:

Regards and best,


Red, thank you. I read the link and the 90-95 % success rate sounds promising. What is your gut instinct on this procedure and TN?

Richard A. “Red” Lawhern said:

Jackie: there is a description of the maneuver at wikipedia:

Regards and best,


The maneuver is unlikely to directly affect TN unless the physician who is positioning your head happens to put fingers on a trigger zone. Obviously, you don't want your neck suddenly twisted and extended. The physician should be informed in advance that the patient has TN as well as BPPV.

Be well,


Thank you, you are a star,

Hi All,

I had the epley manoever done several times over a period of several weeks. Each time it required I stay upright for 24hrs, sleeping as well (was horrid)

The first time I had it done with special goggles and they tracked my eye movements (nystagmus) on a computer screen, there were also other neurological tests ( standing on one foot arms crossed eyes open then closed as one example)

IF your vertigo is a result of BPPV the epley manoever can help the crystals find their way back in place, Thus restoring your sense of equilibrium and ridding yourself of vertigo. Sometimes it can take weeks of physiotherapy exercises to be fully functioning again.

Natalia! That’s so awesome! I wish it had worked or me…

Jackie, each time I had the epley manoever done my TN pain was controlled by meds. I had no adverse reaction TN wise. The epley manoever makes you very dizzy, so if you are having it done make sure you have someone to accompany you home.

Have you ever tried meds for your vertigo Jackie? Usually that’s the first route…if you dont respond further testing is done.

My year long investigation for my vertigo has been enlightening and very frustrating…apparently my latest test results indicate a compression ( according to my GP ) so I’m anxious to see my ENT … For further explanation…it’s been a long year.
(( hugs ))

Here’s a link that describes BPPV…

mimi, thanks, I will speak to my neuro about some meds when I see her:)

Mimi said:

Hi All,
I had the epley manoever done several times over a period of several weeks. Each time it required I stay upright for 24hrs, sleeping as well (was horrid)

The first time I had it done with special goggles and they tracked my eye movements (nystagmus) on a computer screen, there were also other neurological tests ( standing on one foot arms crossed eyes open then closed as one example)

IF your vertigo is a result of BPPV the epley manoever can help the crystals find their way back in place, Thus restoring your sense of equilibrium and ridding yourself of vertigo. Sometimes it can take weeks of physiotherapy exercises to be fully functioning again.

Natalia! That’s so awesome! I wish it had worked or me…

Jackie, each time I had the epley manoever done my TN pain was controlled by meds. I had no adverse reaction TN wise. The epley manoever makes you very dizzy, so if you are having it done make sure you have someone to accompany you home.

Have you ever tried meds for your vertigo Jackie? Usually that’s the first route…if you dont respond further testing is done.

My year long investigation for my vertigo has been enlightening and very frustrating…apparently my latest test results indicate a compression ( according to my GP ) so I’m anxious to see my ENT … For further explanation…it’s been a long year.

(( hugs ))

i take citalopram and clonazapam (SP) for one type of vertigo and have been going through the epley maneoever for the BPPV type the past two months at my hearing and balance doctor ... the reason i have been going so long is because i have been to the dentist and endodontist which have me in a laying down position which is a big No No