I had read on this site that some have tried/use the OTC topical solution Capsaicin for pain relief. So, I decided I would give it a shot. I've tried almost everything else, short of surgery (which I am also ready to try when as soon as given the chance).
Liberally applied to the right side of my face, including my temple, cheek, mandibular and maxillary area.
It it a stick with a blue pad this applies the liquid medicine onto the skin when pressure is applied to the pad. I am experiencing moderate to severe burning on the skin of the affected area. I will have to admit that the burning was so intense, at one point, that I felt a bit nauseated.
I will have to say, though, that I believe that it has eased my pain, somewhat, which was, for the most part on the right (the side of onset in 2003) this evening. The usual nagging, burning, crushing and throbbing, but definitely not at the severe level to which my pain can present. I am always spinning theories, as this condition is quite vexing, as all of you well know. I have chronic Type2 pain, which I am starting to speculate, from my readings, may be aggravated by severe Bruxism and moderate Scoliosis of the cervical spine. (My pain often reaches levels for which I fight the urge to go to the ER, although I am already being treated at a pain clinic, being seen by a neurologist from which I await the results of an MRI in a few days.) I digress, as that is a different story. My point of this post is to convey my experience with Capsaicin, for the most part.
Approximately three hours after application of the above mentioned product, I am experiencing somewhat reduced pain. I wonder, however, what effects this topical solution has on one's skin with repeated use. I do intend to possibly proceed experimenting with using the product.
I would like to hear of other's experiences with the use of this readily available med.
This year, I am optimistic, will be the one when I finally find the source, solution and relief, the year when I can begin living more normally again.
It is my profound wish, that in this 2011, you find compassionate care, the moral support you deserve, and the path a miracle which would free you from the bonds of chronic facial pain.
Come talk to me in this fine New Year!
All the best, as always,
P.S. Just heard on T.V. that there are already millions in Times Square, and it's only 3:30 a.m. ish!