Can someone help me sort out TN1 and TN2?

Until i joined this site i had no clue there was more than one type of TN. none of the Dr's or neurologist mentioned types of TN.. I've read the Face pain info and I think I have both. I have episodes of TN characterized by both constant dull aching in teeth, jaw, cheekbone and shocking pains in jaw, icepick stabbing in ear etc. Episodes last from a few days to three weeks and i feel perfectly normal in between ( to those who suffer constantly, OMG!!!!) My TN has been bilateral in the past, started on right- moved to the left just in time to avoid an unnecessary double root canal, horrible pains on left after wisdom tooth surgery and now it's pretty much on the right,Had a couple of times with pain on both sides, that's it's own kind of hell. Pain comes in waves almost like contractions(if you were giving birth to the devil himself lol) Sometimes just subsides and sometimes builds to a crescendo and breaks almost like a fever, Current episode started by an abscess. i have to get this tooth pulled and I'm really worried. Cant bump up meds cuz I don't take any. Any thoughts? Thanks


TN type 1 disorder is characterized by episodes of intense facial pain that last from a few seconds to several minutes or hours. The episodes of intense pain may occur paroxysmally. To describe the pain sensation, patients may describe a trigger area on the face so sensitive that touching or even air currents can trigger an episode, in many patients the pain is generated spontaneously without any apparent stimulation. The pain can be triggered by common activities such as eating, talking, shaving and brushing teeth. Wind, high pitched sounds, loud noises such as concerts or crowds, chewing, and talking can aggravate the condition in many patients. The attacks are said by those affected to feel like stabbing electric shocks, burning, pressing, crushing, exploding or shooting pain that becomes intractable. They say TN1 is caused by nerve compression, micro surgery maybe an option.


Type 2 trigeminal neuralgia is Atypical trigeminal neuralgia (ATN), it is a form of trigeminal neuralgia. This form of neuralgia is difficult to diagnose as it is rare and the symptoms overlap with several other disorders. The symptoms can mimic migraine headache, or dental problems. Symptoms can fluctuate in intensity from mild aching to a crushing or burning sensation, and also to the extreme pain experienced with the more common trigeminal neuralgia. Some ATN sufferers experience intense pain in one or in all three trigeminal nerve branches, affecting teeth, ears, sinuses, cheeks, forehead, upper and lower jaws, "behind" the eyes, and scalp etc... This is also what I experience along with some TN type 1 episodes, my Maxiofacial doctor thinks its all in my head, psychological.

Both disorders are regarded by many medical professionals the most severe form of chronic pain known in medical practice. The nickname for this disease is "the suicide disease".

The pain from ATN is often continuous and periods of remission are rare. Both TN and ATN can be bilateral, though the character of pain is usually different on the two sides at any one time.

They say ATN Type 2 can be/ is caused by some dental procedures, my pain seem to have started after a failed root canal and extraction. But I also suffer type 1 symptoms and triggers...


I have Atypical Odontalgia which is just face pain basically(ATN 2)..My bottom canine tooth hurts(throbs, sharp pains, aching.), gums burn or feel tight, jaw feels swollen sometimes but mostly like someone hit me hard... My ear will hurt sometimes, like I have an inner ear infection(but I dont since I had it checked out)..I am on Amitriptyline..Which helps mostly..Since starting my meds I have had three teeth extracted..One tooth was on my left side which is my affected side. After the extraction my left side of my face "stung" for about three days then went away..No increase in pain..Your abscess could be causing some of your pain..I would get it taken care of.....Bad teeth can cause alot of issues...I hope you feel better soon...

stephanie said:


I have Atypical Odontalgia which is just face pain basically(ATN 2)..My bottom canine tooth hurts(throbs, sharp pains, aching.), gums burn or feel tight, jaw feels swollen sometimes but mostly like someone hit me hard... My ear will hurt sometimes, like I have an inner ear infection(but I dont since I had it checked out)..I am on Amitriptyline..Which helps mostly..Since starting my meds I have had three teeth extracted..One tooth was on my left side which is my affected side. After the extraction my left side of my face "stung" for about three days then went away..No increase in pain..Your abscess could be causing some of your pain..I would get it taken care of.....Bad teeth can cause alot of issues...I hope you feel better soon...

thanks dallas and stephanie for your replies. this is such a confusing disease. Clyndamyacin has pretty much taken care of the abcess so this is definitely a TN attack, I've had enough of them to know what my symptoms are. i'm fortunate that my dentist is aware of TN and no doc has ever suggested that my problem is psychological. REALLY, who would trade a normal happy active life for this! the only trigger for me that i am aware of is cold wind in my ears so im careful to cover up. i do have periods of remission but the ache is constant during an episode, hence my confusion about type

bebe said:

stephanie said:


I have Atypical Odontalgia which is just face pain basically(ATN 2)..My bottom canine tooth hurts(throbs, sharp pains, aching.), gums burn or feel tight, jaw feels swollen sometimes but mostly like someone hit me hard... My ear will hurt sometimes, like I have an inner ear infection(but I dont since I had it checked out)..I am on Amitriptyline..Which helps mostly..Since starting my meds I have had three teeth extracted..One tooth was on my left side which is my affected side. After the extraction my left side of my face "stung" for about three days then went away..No increase in pain..Your abscess could be causing some of your pain..I would get it taken care of.....Bad teeth can cause alot of issues...I hope you feel better soon...

I didnt mean to imply your tooth was causing your pain and not TN…I just meant it could be adding to your pain. From your symptoms I’d say you have TN 1 and TN 2…a little of both…

Thanks stephanie, no implication was taken :)

stephanie said:

I didnt mean to imply your tooth was causing your pain and not TN..I just meant it could be adding to your pain. From your symptoms I'd say you have TN 1 and TN 2..a little of both......

Hi Bebe,

You could have been describing me in your post. It sounds like you are bilateral and have both. I am bilateral ATN and have some Type 1 symptoms too more and more. My pain changes sides of my face as quickly as it changes locations. I can have bolts of pain that last one second or I can have deep, heavy pain lasting hours, days or weeks. It is all very confusing. I am two years in with this and I still have more questions then I do answers.


Hi Jane,

Thanks for posting. As I write this my TN pain is beginning to subside so maybe only a 10 day episode this time. Do you have any pain free periods or is this a daily struggle? my heart really goes out to anyone who fights this battle every day, I don't know if I could do it. when my attacks were at their worst, it was every couple of months, lasting at least 2 weeks and I thought I would go insane. i had about 2 1/2 years with only shortlived(3-4 days) and less severe symptoms but a tooth issue brought this on bigtime. I too have more questions than answers but I've learned more here than ever before. Both hopeful and scary since I wonder what the future may bring when I read of the intense suffering of others here. Still it's good to know there are people who know and understand. I never had that before. I wish the best for you and all of us here. Blessed be.


Hi Bebe,

I first had ATN on my left side teeth when I was 29. I had a seven year remission and it came back in my left side teeth two years ago when I was 37. It spread all around my bottom two branches on the left and a year ago my right side started. Every few months it morphs into new symptoms and new locations.

I had it every single long day before I went on medication. I am not pain free and I have had to increase my med a few times to stay on top of it. Now I can have a few pain free days in a row. Most days I have dings and zaps and such in multiple locations around my face. And about twice a month I get huge flair ups that can last between 2 to 10 days before it will subside or move elsewhere. Barrometric pressure, stress, lack of sleep and my cycle seem to be my biggest triggers. But sometimes there is no rhyme or reason for it.

Be so careful with the dentist. I had an unnecessary root canal when this came back two years ago. I have tooth pain almost every day.

And I am also thankful for any pain free or low pain days that I have. My heart breaks reading about some peoples' journey with this monster. This invisible pain causes a lot of anxiety for me. I am slowly moving beyond that though and trying to gain some sort of acceptance and peace with this disease and the pain it causes. This website and the people on here save my sanity time and time again.


bebe said:

Hi Jane,

Thanks for posting. As I write this my TN pain is beginning to subside so maybe only a 10 day episode this time. Do you have any pain free periods or is this a daily struggle? my heart really goes out to anyone who fights this battle every day, I don't know if I could do it. when my attacks were at their worst, it was every couple of months, lasting at least 2 weeks and I thought I would go insane. i had about 2 1/2 years with only shortlived(3-4 days) and less severe symptoms but a tooth issue brought this on bigtime. I too have more questions than answers but I've learned more here than ever before. Both hopeful and scary since I wonder what the future may bring when I read of the intense suffering of others here. Still it's good to know there are people who know and understand. I never had that before. I wish the best for you and all of us here. Blessed be.


Hi Jane,

Thanks for your message. The tooth in question is broken and has been for some time. Fear of a TN attack is why I didn't deal with it sooner. My dentist is aware of the condition so I feel pretty confident he will do his best not to cause me any more pain than necessary. We will discuss the best option for me - nitrous oxide vs novocaine - and then make a decision. It's a straight up extraction, no root canal. All the best.
