Can anyone help answer this question?

First of all-I want to say thank you all for being there for me as I go through this process. I received a call tonight from the main neurosurgeon at U of Pittsburgh- Dr. Mcgaughlin- anyone heard of him? Think he worked under Dr. Jenner for years. Anyway, I was so happy that he at least called me back from 2 weeks ago. Wonderful guy. Anyway, he asked me tons of questions and I described my pain going from left to right and down the middle and most of my pain being intense pain in the tonsil area. He told me straight up that I did not have GPN and that pain does not go from side to side in a given day, etc. He said that nerve pain can take a yr to go away and to up my dose of Gab, etc. With that said, I know there are people on this board that had tonsillectomys and have constant pain in throat and tonsils. He basically told me that there was no surgery with the brain that would fix my problem. So, I know you are not doctors, but has anyone been told this before in regards to nerve pain? I feel like he was telling me that there was no surgery that he knew of to fix my problem since he did not think it was coming from the brain, yet there are a few that have constant pain that were later diagnosed as having GPN and as having permanent damage to the nerve. Anyone been told that before?