Yes, I have this. Once, I asked if it could be "Burning Mouth Syndrome", but was assured that it was just another symptom of Atypical TN. I am sorry that you are now experiencing this now. This symptom did not present in my case until around 3-4 yrs. after onset for me. It is now one of the most annoying aspects of my pain, but I can control it, for the most part by avoiding spicy foods and acidic foods as much as possible, and with my combo of maintenance meds. However, this the sides of my tongue, especially, still flair up on me between doses of Neurontin, Oxycodone, and Diazepam. Also, for some reason, when this symptom is giving me a lot of grief, drinking a glass of Almond Milk, or something which is Alkaline in nature is soothing to my tongue. My Pain Management doc says this is a Neuropathic symptom, so, I do not know why drinking these things helps me, but it does.
This is just my 2 cents worth!
I hope that you find relief from this nagging symptom soon.
Hello. I feel that I have to join in on this discussion (er, I don’t have TN, my wife does). I have researched the burning pain for my wife and bumped into many disccussions that talk of Cayenneas helping the burning. I bought a one pound bag of Cayenne candy for my wife thinking, “what the heck”…I will update this thread after she takes it for awhile and see if it helps any. If you google "Cayenne and burning mouth) you can find some discussion on the web that this may help.
It seems that more and more pain in different places adds to this disorder. I've only been dealing with this since Sept, which seems to be a short time compared to most.
I did read somewhere about the Cayenne. Please keep me informed.
Just get so aggravated with it each thing adds on. Meds do help to some extent.
I get it down the right side of my throat and the right side of my tongue.It even burns on the outside of my neck below my ear. sometimes it'll last a whole day. Comes and goes.
Before my first HORRIFIC TN attack, months and months (maybe it started a year or two earlier and came and went) I had BURNING MOUTH. Everything was SPICY. Sometimes even the sides of my mouth felt it. I told my neurologist. He said maybe its a vit deficency. Yeah right! I KNEW IT. I've had neuro problems a LONG TIME and I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!! I found a medical exerpt online as well that said it was neurological probably from the trigeminal nerve. OH YEAH WE ROCK!!!! Also, last month I had a wierd smell stuck in my smelled like copper or metal. It hung on for weeks.
Yes, there are times I smell things that aren't really there. Very strange indeed. And my tongue well.. I've lost the taste on the right side so that's a different story. But you are correct. It's nerve related I believe.