"What is this pain" that is what I asked the doctor for 12months over and over, but he kept saying your perfectly healthy. well i wasn't, the tn hit me first then the fibro which i didn't know i had at the time, the electric shocks in my face, the numbness/pressure from my left tmj to my nose, the vision problems , burning and fibro fog etc etc was just too much, the depression started when the doctors and psychiatrist looked at me like i was crazy or maybe hes just making everything up. the suicidal thoughts would run through my head for hours and hours but i laid on my bed and ignored it searching google on my symptoms and thinking about my family and friends at my funeral all asking the same question "y".
I would receive sarcasm from my friends and family, for example i would tell my brother about the burning pain and the response i got was "is your penis burning aswell". ppl dont really understand the pain you go through even tho you tell them over and over something is wrong and it hurts all the time. Im not angry with my friends and family because i know they didnt really understand and they still dont.
I think sharing our stories and experiences on helpful website like these, will truly help others who are searching the internet knowing there pain is real and maybe there is somebody out the there who has or is going through the same kinda experience. I personally know searching Google on my symptoms really did save my life, knowing that the pain is real and one day meet a good psychiatrist or specialist who knows about these rare diseases is truly the best medicine. "hope"
Im sorry i know this is a website for atn/tn but i just want to help ppl, nobody should have to go through pain that is real and think its all in there head they should know there are websites and ppl out there that want to help. like this website, i don't know who made this website but it is truly a blessing, thank you so much.