Anyone with Postherpetic Neuralgia that I can talk to?

Hey Everybody!

I really need some advice from those of you who have Postherpetic Neuralgia....

My neurosurgeon performed Gamma Knife on me in December knowing that my TN was viral and now my pain is much worse than before the surgery.... I am in constant burning pain with creepy crawlies on that side of my face and I am still having the classic zapping pain throughout evey day. Blinking hurts....

My jaw keeps locking up and chewing is almost impossible. I have it in all 3 branches.

Any and all stories are greatly appreciated!

Thank you!!

There was recently a thread started here on food suggestions

put food in search box

put postherpetic in search box and look under the "groups" tab for those key words....

also go to the groups tab -- look at the topical pain relief groups discussions - there maybe something that helps there....

I'm so sorry for your depth of pain....