Another try at Gamma Knife for my Geniculate Neuralgia caused by Shingles

Hi Everyone! I haven't been around in a while...I apologize.

Such a year of up and down emotions and health issues. I have Fibromyalgia, had it first, way before my Geniculate Neuralgia. With each upset of the apple cart my Fibro flared and so did my GN.

Now with week after week of negative temps I am again walking around with my finger in my ear. I hate it! My new Obamacare insurance makes all my meds a jump through hoops and I already do that with my family as they hate all the meds I am on. I don't see the "way it makes me" Anyway...I have to be on something that everyone approves of and that works. Having quite the time with all that. So my GP who is also my pain management Dr. encouraged me to see my Neurosurgeon again just to put it on the books for Meridian (ins) We have appealed and appealed to no avail. So I made the appointment and had it two days ago. They want me to try Gamma Knife again this time with higher radiation values. I will plead my case to the Radiology Oncologist on the 4th of March and if that goes positively then a 2nd try at GK will follow shortly after.

My hopes are high. They are having loads of success with Gamma Knife on Trigeminal Nerve patients. I'm a bit of rare one that they don't know a whole bunch about but I believe they really want to help me if they can. So here I go again my friends. Questions and comments welcome...