Anyone ever try Cymbalta for TN relief?

I had a cyst removed that was wrapped around and compressing the 5th cranial nerve and caused TN type 2. My neurosurgon said it will take about 13 montha for the nerve to heal if it does. He suggested i go on cymbalta for pain relief. Anyone try it before? What was your experience? Im currently on neurontin as well, and was thinking about asking to try tegretal as well. Please give feedback

I take cymbalta as part of my med cocktail of trileptal, baclofen, amytripyline, cymbalta. I do think the cymbalta has helped but, doubt if it would do much as a single drug treatment. Give it a try, if nothing else it will make u care free, and depression free :slight_smile:

Hi Christian -

i am on CYmbalta now - it helps to some extent.

i was suprised i didn't have MUCH side effects (there are - but not so severe).

it did help - but not enough... it's not that i have even one day of pain free.

it's not a bad medicine.

what i read is that it's very hard to reduce the does and quit using it.

beware of coming off it

google it