Did I jump the gun thinking it was TN?? No real pain today. Does that ever happen? Especially in the beginning stages? I keep anticipating it but everything seems so normal. Kinda weird....

Type I TN, electric shock pains, often goes into remission for unspecified periods of time. Enjoy and make the most of any periods of no pain, it’s all good!

Does anyone understand why remissions occur? Has anyone know anyone who's TN never came back?

That’s perfectly normal. It seems that just when i think I’ve “figured out” TN it does something different…lol. I do know someone who’s TN never came back. Her’s was a result of some type of sinus surgery.

Thats good to know Ash,how long has it been since her last TN? I know someone on here who went 8 years and then wham it came back. Why and how does this happen? Does the vein and blood vessel stop connecting and then connect again?

I understand after and MVD the Teflon can slip and thats why it can come back then, is that correct?

It’s been about 5 years for my friend…and I have no idea why. When I asked my neurologist why it is that one day I can brush my teeth and it does hurt and the next day I can and it doesn’t, her reply was “if we knew that we could cure it.” I’m kinda new at this thing…so i really don’t have even a little clue as to how to answer the additional questions that you pose. I want answers, too, though!! (durnit)

Remission for Type I,with the knowledge I have. I stand to be and probably will be corrected!

In "normal" people there is a Myelin sheath which covers the nerve and prevents contact with vessels etc. For Type I TN our sheath deteriorates, contact between vessel and nerve is made and pain fires, you know ,the zaps. Over time it repairs itself and we have a beautiful remission. Then the cycle goes on and on........... Also you may not be in remission if your pain is gone, you may just be managed medicinally. Hope this makes sense guys!

Wow great input. Thanks everyone! This place is awesome! I love it....I'm learning more and more each day and beginning to understand.

Thank you for that explanation Jac and I am sorry to hear you have now developed Type 2, and this can happen after suffering Type 1, do you know why this happens?

Elaine, I have Type I on the right and Type II on the left. I had my MRI second opinioned by a renowned Professor who made the prediction a year before it came true. He spotted it, I lived in denial and hoped it would not happen to me but…

Jac, what did he spot, did he see something on your nerve on the left? Can Type 2 be seen in anyway? Does the Type 1 damage your nerve so Type 2 developes? I appreciate you may not know the answers but I am trying to get a better understanding on it all. Did the professor explain to you why Type 2 happens after Type 1.

Elaine, I never spoke to the Prof, just had feedback from my neuro on his report. I have no visible vessel on my MRI but there is one very close on both sides. They think if my BP goes up the vessel swells and then I get the zaps. That is why I try, very hard, not easy as I am a volatile character! To remain as calm as possible. There is, I believe, an explanation in the FACE PAIN INFO about Type I turning to Type II. I don't have sufficient knowledge to tell you. In my case my original Type I remains that and my recent Type II presented in that category from the get go.Phew, that reads rubbish!

Thanks for sharing so much Jackie, I benefit most when reading peoples history of TN and i like to hear the conclusions that they draw from it themselves as i believe we can help each other this way. xx

I don't know but I hope you DID! That would be great for you! :-)

Thanks Donna but nope it's back. :( I'm still learning about TN and I guess in the early stages there will be days when I don't feel any pain at all. I guess I should be grateful for those days and take advantage of them. I think once I'm able to get diagnosed I will at least feel better knowing what is wrong with me, I will accept it either way as I have no choice to. I'm very fortunate to belong to a group like this though, The support I been getting from this site has been awesome! Thanks Donna. :)