Already on two antiseizure meds.. What now?

I’m curious if anyone has ever been on two antiseizure meds and had a pain spike? I feel like I must be out of options soon?
I will call the Neuro tomorrow but I would love to hear your thoughts on what could help?
300 mg trileptal. 4x daily and 150mg dilantin 3x daily. Traditional TN on left side and already had several surgeries that worked but then the TN returned :frowning:
I need some hope!

Emma, It's not unusual for TN patients to receive prescriptions for two or more meds. Medical "cocktails" sometimes are more effective than monotherapy. If you've had several surgeries with recurrence of pain, it may be that your doctor should consider a mixture of anti-seizure meds and tricyclic antidepressants that have a cross-over action against neuropathic pain. The latter would include Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline, and 8-10 others.

Go in Peace and Power


Yes, many different times. .. I just keep in contact with my neurologist and we change things up and now we've found a pretty good mix after three years. I am currently on 3 meds. and they work pretty well. Amitriptyline being the newest addition for me.I see my neurologist every three months.. Hang in there, I know it is frustrating. Min

I love this site! Thank you so much for the hope! The neuro increased my dilantin by 1 pill until he can see me tomorrow. It seemed to take the edge off while I was eating lunch today.

Breakfast was not even possible but it seems like i get short windows throughout the day (or evening) when it pauses and then I eat if I can tolerate it. Does anyone else notice that? Mine seems to be at its worst when I first wake up.

I will definitely ask about amitriptyline tomorrow!

Emma, I'm on Tegratol and Lyrica and I've wondered the same thing. I had my first MVD 14 months ago and can't believe I'm back on meds already. I had CyberKnife 2-3 years before the MVD. My surgeon told me the CyberKnife fused an area of the artery and TN together.

I see my neuro next week and wonder if an anti-depressant would help.



I am on Lyrica and Topamax, which tends to make me very sleepy. I have a bad reaction to most of the anti-seizure drugs. I also have to use narcotic drugs to keep things under control. And yes, believe it or not, I still have periods of over-whelming facial pain!

I also have Connective Tissue Disease, in my case it mimic's Lupus. I woke up this morning and seriously had trouble getting out of bed because every part of my body hurt. So, there are good days and bad days.

Cathy In MD