Alpha lipoic acid

I have been on an anti oxidant now for # months. It really has helped the burning pain in thr base of my tongue and tonsil area.Has any one else tried this.? The professor in oral medicine suggested it for burning mouth syndrome.

Hi warrior woman ( love the name!). I have not been diagnosed with GPN but have symptoms similar to it so I keep an eye on this discussion group. I have autonomic nerve neuropathy and see a dr. in Philadelphia for my nerve disorder, including burning mouth/tongue. She had told me to take alpha lipoic acid for the burning, I did take it for awhile, however one of my other specialists felt it was contraindicated with another diagnosis I have. I do have an article she gave me from a medical journal somewhere in my medical paper mess! Let me know if you would like me to send it to you, I will gladly get it out and mail it. My scanner at the time isn't working so can't do it that way. If you want it, I will send you my e-mail address so you can give me your contact info. With or without the article I think it's a good way to go.

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Thanks for sharing alpha lipoic acid suggestion. Happy to hear it's helping you. hadn't heard of it before but based on yr post i read more about it online and just picked some up.

After having MVD surgery for GPN I have a constant burning and numbness on the right side of my tongue and lip. I have tried vitamin B12 and several other things. Is there a certain kind of Anti Oxidant? I am going to try this and Thank you for the information

Hi everyone, here's a link to an article which appears pretty well rounded in its description of this supplement.

Please be mindful that even unregulated supplements can effect medications and have contraindications as mentioned above, so please make sure you discuss taking this with your medical advisor, particularly if you are on other medications. For those of you looking at taking this, please let us know how you go. All the best:)

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Hi, I also have burning on my tongue, especially the sides and in the tonsilar area R>L. Initially before all my other symptoms of GPN started this is what started, and I went to a specialist with this sole symptom and it was labeled burning mouth syndrome. Now with all the other symptoms that have started, I'm wondering if it is actually GPN instead. Have you been given any information about your burning tongue? I also sent you a friend request :) Thanks. Also, I did come across some information that R-Lipoic Acid is absorbed by the body better than traditional ALA is. I tried the ALA which caused heartburn for me, so I did go to the R-LA which seems to be better tolerated by me.

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