I had upper and lower jaw surgery almost 7 weeks ago. the pain i've had since is excruciating. My chin and lower lip are completely numb yet feel like they are on fire. I saw a neurologist who diagnosed me with Trigeminal Neuralgia.
The online information i've found says I am type 2 and it is not helped with medications. I am going to have to live with this the rest of my life? I can't do it!
The surgeon made NO mention of the risk of the surgery being chronic extreme nerve pain. NONE. I asked several times.
I've gotten NO relief with neurontin or trileptal. I see the neurologist again Monday. Am I going to have to live with this forever? What can I do about the pain? Any chance I will get better?
I feel so alone with this pain. I am single and found my job impossible because it entailed a lot of speaking which left me suicidal at the end of the day so I had to quit. so now what? I'm dying here!
Interesting and thank you for your reply. The oral surgeon that did my jaw surgery said that it will get better and to see a pain doctor. I really hope it does get better Cleo. do you think the numbness will go away?
Cleo said:
the lip and chin are served by the inferior alveolar nerve and injury to that nerve is a known complication during lower 3rd molar extraction. it might get better. what did the oral surgeon suggest?
Ouch, that sounds terrible. I pray that you will find relief. Have you tried lidocaine patches. Some members swear by them. Perhaps warm towels could bring some comfort. Hugs
Hi Caroljake9, I was doing the same thing for my own experience, imaging the pain going on forever and ever and I worked myself into a mental state of extreme stress. When we are in states of stress it is very difficult for the body to heal. Especially if we are new to feeling this type of pain it can be very disorienting. Since you are coming out of surgery I would give this pain event the benefit of the doubt and believe it will go away or be mitigated in some way. To me it sounds like healing. Don't panic, breath deep. Strategies will emerge. Just my gut feeling! Sending you waves of peace and healing. Tina
THank you Tina for your feedback and compassion. I hope it is healing and things will get better. I"m really distressed and fearful that this will continue. I am in searing pain.
Question Caroljake9, does any of the Codeine painkillers help at all with the searing pain? For many of us with TN that is not especially good relief. When I was in one of my worst periods I kicked in a super analytical part of my mind and started writing everything down. I would measure my pain from 1 to 10 at given periods of the day and I was very specific about where the pain was originating. Does drinking alcohol help or hurt (if you can drink that is). Any relief with aspirin, marijuana (if you live where its legal). If you watch a movie that you found funny in the past does any endorphins kick in to help. Does the pain go away when you sleep? I would systematically try EVERYTHING and write down all results! I am not sure it did much good but telling my brain that I was responsible and that I was going have to find something seemed to kick in this very adult persona. Go through the links in the forums and systematically try what might work for you.
Go slow through... you don't want to try something that makes you feel worse. There will be so many things to try - acupuncture. Does exercise make it worse or better? If it is TN you will be able to try Tegretol which is usually one of the first drugs they will try. At 7 weeks you really are just a newbie and have every reason to believe you will find some type of relief. Take it slow. Keep creative. My Dad said one thing that helped which was "Tina nothing is really wrong with your underlying body- your pain signals are just mixed up". For some reason that made me mentally relax...LOL the pain was really JUST in my head. I found a strange sense of humor at times. Also, is there anything that takes your mind off the pain just a little bit. I started given myself "gold stars". Gold star for getting out of bed, gold star for drinking a glass of water. Gold stars for putting on fresh clothes. I mean I was really just one moment at a time. Sending you healing! Tina
Hi Tina thank you so much for writing and sharing your thoughts and opinions. I tried codeine in the begining but it made me vomit so I don't take any narcotics. I just had one beer today and the pain reduced from about an 8 to a 3. I only noticed that because you mentioned it , was my first beer since surgery, I've never been a drinker. Thank you for pointing that out. I am going to start a log like you said and note what helps reduce it and how I feel. i am able to sleep at night because of sleeping medication but first thing in the morning it is usually THE most painful time. I wake up to my chin on fire. Thank you so much!!
msbluebells said:
Question Caroljake9, does any of the Codeine painkillers help at all with the searing pain? For many of us with TN that is not especially good relief. When I was in one of my worst periods I kicked in a super analytical part of my mind and started writing everything down. I would measure my pain from 1 to 10 at given periods of the day and I was very specific about where the pain was originating. Does drinking alcohol help or hurt (if you can drink that is). Any relief with aspirin, marijuana (if you live where its legal). If you watch a movie that you found funny in the past does any endorphins kick in to help. Does the pain go away when you sleep? I would systematically try EVERYTHING and write down all results! I am not sure it did much good but telling my brain that I was responsible and that I was going have to find something seemed to kick in this very adult persona. Go through the links in the forums and systematically try what might work for you.
Go slow through... you don't want to try something that makes you feel worse. There will be so many things to try - acupuncture. Does exercise make it worse or better? If it is TN you will be able to try Tegretol which is usually one of the first drugs they will try. At 7 weeks you really are just a newbie and have every reason to believe you will find some type of relief. Take it slow. Keep creative. My Dad said one thing that helped which was "Tina nothing is really wrong with your underlying body- your pain signals are just mixed up". For some reason that made me mentally relax...LOL the pain was really JUST in my head. I found a strange sense of humor at times. Also, is there anything that takes your mind off the pain just a little bit. I started given myself "gold stars". Gold star for getting out of bed, gold star for drinking a glass of water. Gold stars for putting on fresh clothes. I mean I was really just one moment at a time. Sending you healing! Tina
Oh god I hope you are right and that it is just healing!! PLease@@@@!!!! I cant stand this! msbluebells said:
Hi Caroljake9, I was doing the same thing for my own experience, imaging the pain going on forever and ever and I worked myself into a mental state of extreme stress. When we are in states of stress it is very difficult for the body to heal. Especially if we are new to feeling this type of pain it can be very disorienting. Since you are coming out of surgery I would give this pain event the benefit of the doubt and believe it will go away or be mitigated in some way. To me it sounds like healing. Don't panic, breath deep. Strategies will emerge. Just my gut feeling! Sending you waves of peace and healing. Tina