Frustrated and no one understands:(

I had my MVD surgery back in September 2013 and it helped greatly with the shocking pains that I was experiencing at the time. Since waking up from surgery I have none of that pain which is a great relief but I am still numb in those areas. The doctors performed a “combing” of the nerve which has set off new symptoms and I was told I now have type II symptoms. My right ear always hurts and my right side of my jaw I want to rip off my face and I can feel every nerve in my mouth on fire:( I want to remove all my teeth on the upper and lower part of my mouth cuz they hurt all the time and my right side of my tongue no feeling and everything taste like card board. Please tell me there is hope or am I doomed for life. I am taking gabapentin 3 times a day and going to be put on cymbolta to help hopefully. I am wondering if lidocaine will help with my mouth issues? Please any advice is welcomed. Thanks for listening.

Hello. I understand, and many others do as well. I haven’t had any procedures and have only tried a few medications - I was diagnosed only a few months ago. But in these few months my life has changed. The daily pain and the depression and the medication side-effects could make anyone lose their mind. Just hang-in there friend. I have no answers for this f*%#'d up condition, but I do find comfort in being able to talk about it and ask question on this site. I hope you feel better!!!

It sounds like you are having a flair up. I had the same thing happen to me Please hang on there. Use a heating pad and you may need to get back on tegritol.

Unfortunately I had to lower my expectations and concentrate on self soothing behaviors. I am in the same situation

Lidocaine mouthwash…just call it in…

Keep posting!

Maybe a different medication will help.Hang in there,maybe it's just taking extra time to heal since they did extra work.Combing in there doesn't sound great.