What is going on-pain

This weekend has been a bust. I thought things were slowly getting better but boom...all kinds of pain :( The top area of my incision has gone from numb to very senseitve and the top of my ear burns when I touch it, which ok I can handndle. But all that pain has radiated down to my mouth. My front teeth and tongue make it almost unbearaable to eat. Is this normal approx. 4 mnths after a MVD.?? Back to morphine and watching the clock to be able to take next dose of pills. Hope this stops soon. Any advice?

Take care of you, Linda

No I would not say its normal. I would call my neurosurgeon and talk to him first and foremost. I had my MVD 6 months ago and my pain has gotten better and better, not worse.

Please give your doctor a call and let us all know how you make out, I am so sorry you are having this pain

Wendy "crashgirl"

((Linda)), no advice, but thinking of you, and hope you’re feeling better soon!
Definately call your doctor…
((hugs)) Mimi

I don’t want to freak you up because everyone is different, but that sounds like about what started happening toe around the same time. It just progressively worse untily surgeon decided he needed to go back in for a second mvd. I’ve heard that second mvd’s are usually easier, but I’ve just happened to have a ton of complications for some reason. Definitely go see your surgeon. They may tell you it’s all part of the nerves healing and you will be just fine :slight_smile: sending positive thoughts your way!

Please excuse my tons of typos. I’m currently dealing with break through pain and took an extra exalgo to try to help. It’s made me very loopy.

I had a MVD over a year ago and still take 200mg tegretol at night but the pain is nothing like before the MVD. I would go to neurologist. A MVD is no joke and possibilities of complications are many. If the neurologist steers you back to neurosurgeon then so be it. My hopes and prayers are with you.

Hi Linda,

I agree with the other members, check with your doctor if it is so painful you need medication. I am exactly 4 months post MVD - in my case they cut and cauterized 4 veins wrapped around the nerve. I still have numbness or sensitivity and the tip of my ear is the most affected but I wouldn't say it burns when I touch it. I have pain on the left side of my tongue but I was told that was more reflective of type II and may not be addressed by the procedure. The front teeth have a weird feeling occasionally but certainly not enough to impact my eating. Some of this may be the nerve still healing, however, the extent of your pain makes me concerned. Good luck.