I have suffered with secondary TN since 2008. I found out in 2011 that I have an AVM pressing against the REZ of the left Trigeminal Nerve.
The pain has been worsening the past few months and I saw a headache specialist who recommended adding Lamotrigine alongside the Tegretol I have been taking since the beginning. I was originally taking Tramadol alongside the Tegretol but was told this would be having a limited if any effect on the pain and was told to stop taking it.
The past week the pain has been almost intolerable. I have been to A and E three times this past week where they have administered Morphine which hasn't really helped.
I have been told that once the Lamotrigine is at the correct dose I should start to notice an effect. I would be grateful if anyone here who has been prescribed Lamotrigine could share at what dose they found it helpful. I currently take 1600mg Tegretol and 50mg Lamotrigine and this is being increased next week by 25mg.