I’m on Tegretol (Carbamezapine) 200/200/400 and for the most part I’m just getting small shocks on my tongue (and this still scares me), of coarse when this happens I have to watch how I eat. I don’t want to take more if I can handle it. Should I increase to kick it in the butt or just continue with the 100 chewable tablets when needed?
Also, How important is it to take these 4 times a day instead of 3
If you were prescribed four per day, then take four. The objective of that kind of dose schedule is to keep a relatively even level of carbamazepine in your bloodstream. If you feel a need to change your dose schedule or levels, then contact your prescribing physician first and get confirmation that this is appropriate. Your medical records need to reflect your actual consumption of this medication, not just the previous prescription.
I was on Tegretol at one time and it made me forget very important things.Like how to get home, who my husband was, how many children I had etc. I had to the surgery and it lasted for 20 years. My TN came back 3 years ago worse than before. I am 62 years old now and I had the surgery again. No results this time. I would not increase your Tegretol if it was me. But that is because of my experience with the medication. I have found a wonderful neurologist in Dallas who specializes in TN. She was taught other doctors how to treat this horrible disease we suffer from. The combination of meds she has me on is Lamotrigine ER 100mg, Venlafaxine ER, 150mg, and Topiramate 50mg. I have no side effects from any of my medications. You may want to ask your doctor about this. It has been a life saver for me. I was looking at having to stop working because my pain had gotten so bad. Hope this helps.
I recently upped my dosage because my jaw was hurting so bad at times that I couldn’t eat. I’ve found myself forgetting a few small things here and there-mostly words. I’ve bought some meal replacement drinks for when this happens.
I have what the doctors called “Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia” or ATN which is rare and the neurologists and neurosurgeons say they’re not sure how to treat it. The pain is constant, day and night and goes from a level 3-4 in the morning up to a 8-10 at night. Was given Tegretol for a year which I realize now made the pain worse. It also sapped all the sodium from my system and I ended up in the hospital with Hyponatremia. If you are taking Tegretol or Trileptal, please ask your doctor to give you monthly blood tests to monitor the sodium level. Mine just said “you have low sodium” and never brought it up again. He didn’t say it could kill me. Since I am bipolar II (no manic phases, just short or long periods of intermittent depression) I can’t take antidepressants to help with the pain because they change my personality drastically and most of them make me much more depressed. I chew gum constantly, which for me is a remedy. The doctors have not been able to help. Neurosurgeons all say that ATN is not helped like TN 1 is by the various surgeries like Gamma Knife and there’s also some kind of treatment where they push a wire of some kind into the back of your neck. As for searching for a cause - in my case there were 2 infected molars on that side of my face. Then I had to have oral surgery after they were pulled. Some doctors and dentists say that was the cause and some say “no”. I just know that it hurts as soon as I stop chewing gum, eating or brushing my teeth. Sleeping at night is tough because I can’t keep the gum in my mouth. Using oxycodone sparingly. In my case I can’t blame stress or a virus. It came out of nowhere and ruined my life for the past 2 years.
I have type 1 and 2 just had mvd also dr teo did rhizosis? To numb nerves as i have all threw branches both sides it stopped stabbing due to numbness but has not stopped burning aching pain 24hrs a day and now my migraines are worse he did stop comoression ttpe 2 is harder to control due to medications and me being intoleremt is hard also dollow tour drs asvise due to the medications they trial as some can be very dangerous if not followed
Good luck with treatment hope all goea well